Japanese Scales

Akebono Scale    1 2 b3 5 b6     C, D, Eb, G, Ab

In Scale    1 b2 4 5 b6     C, Db, F, G, Ab

Insen Scale   1 b2 4 5 b7     C, Db, F, G, Bb

Iwato Scale  1 b2 4 b5 b7   C, Db, F, Gb, Bb

Ritsu Scale   1 2 4 5 6     C, D, F, G, A

Ryo Scale     1 2 b3 5 6     C, D, Eb, G, A,

Middle Eastern Scale  (Authentic Middle Eastern music uses quarter tones half way between Western half tones. Thus no Western instrument can play these. Non fretted string instruments can: violin. However, incorporating these scales can certainly provide an exotic feel to your creation.)

Major     I bII III IV V bVI VII     C Db E F G Ab B

Minor     I II vIII #IV V bVI VII     C D Eb F# G Ab B

Pentatonic Scales  (The Pentatonic and Minor Pentatonic are used throughout the world as folk tunes. They are used often in songs for healing by shamans and medicine people. This is an evocative scale that strongly effects the heart chakra. It is very useful in working with energetic memory clearings in second chakra as well as visioning in the third eye. It invites the throat chakra to speak and sing. And it motivates the Solar Plexus to action. Use it in your creations.)

Major     1 2 3 5 6     C, D, E, G, A

Minor     1 b3 4 5 b7     C Eb F G Bb