Body Resonance Chambers
The timbre of the voice is unique from one person to the next. The identity of one voice is significantly influenced by the three in body resonance chambers: the cranium, the throat, and the body cavity. Placement in each of these chambers is adjustable. This helps to give the voice its characteristics, as well as helping one mimic other voices.
The listener is most impacted energetically by the voice that is engaging all three chambers. Any excess in any of the three can create an observable imbalance, which can be useful for intentional work.
The cranium uses the resonance of the nasal passages and the cranium cavity, including the sinuses. This adds the higher frequency harmonics as well as the falsetto sound. Excessive focus in this area results in a classic “nasal sound”. Undesirable, except as an effect.
The throat is the tube that projects the vibrated sound from the larynx. On its own it is a strident sound that projects well. It is throaty and can be heard in classic male Broadway singers.
The body cavity is the largest chamber and the most impactful of the three. It gives the voice, when engaged, a warm and full sound. It is the “body” of the voice, pulling up Earth energy that fills out and strengthens the sound. Think of the impact of a strong bass voice. The interesting thing about this chamber is that it can be disengaged by the energetic residue from one’s moments of living: abuses, hurts, accidents, etc. Many on a devoted spiritual, even New Age, path are energetically separating from the body. For the body is where life is lived. It carries the mud of our lives, the emotions, the woundings, the intentions unrealized. It is here where the gold lies. It is the richness of life that gives each of us our character. Engaging it actually allows for the movement and clearing of the energetic residue.
Experiment with your own voice. Learn its characteristics. Record it and listen to it. Move it in and out of each of the three chambers. Combine them and notice their impact. Become versed in your placement of your voice because each has specific impact.
Incorporate this knowledge into your songs. Vary the timbre of your voice to impact the listener or emphasize a frequency.
Accessing the body cavity is necessary to create powerful healing music. You can access it through focused activity. First, become aware of the back of the throat. Start to make a yawn. Stop before you do and notice how the back of the throat opens. This is the gateway to the body chamber. Get to know the feeling of opening. Now start with a long A sound that is placed at the front of the mouth but voiced in the throat. While sustaining a mid scale pitch slowly change the long A sound to a a short a sound (hat). Notice how the sound and sensations moves to the back of the throat. Now morph into the Ah sound and feel it start to move down the throat into the body. Finally, form an uh sound (love) and feel the sound drop deep into the body cavity. Listen to the depth and warmth and fullness. This is a voice of power and presence and invites cellular healing
Know the sounds of your voice in the various chambers. Use this awareness when you sing. Add backgrounds of nasal falsetto or strong throaty sounds to the chest voice melody and see how you are able to expand the impact on your listener. This how someone can really feel your song. It oscillates in the whole body and stirs the cells and invites the release of old frequencies and energetic debris…to result in a healing state.