Weekly Gratitude: Grounding

This Week’s Gratitude 27

For the ability to ground and stay balanced in our body, as our physical foundation.

This Week’s Action Statement

“I am grateful for this beautiful, symbiotic relationship with the Earth. The power and cleansing exchange is accepted with endless gratitude. I commit to tending my connection and sustaining the balance I deserve in this physical form. My body is my energetic temple from which I interface with life. I accept and celebrate the magnificence of this design.!”


This Week’s Action

In this Earthly dimension we incarnate into the physical form upon this powerful, magnificent planet. By design, we have a deep and constant contact and communication with our Mother Earth. The process of consciously maintaining a solid connection is referred to as grounding. To be grounded is to be fully in our physical body, with our faculties and clarity available for use in any of our moments., thus maintaining a balance.

The Earth sends us powerful energy through the Earth Star Chakra, a plate 18 inches below the feet. Up through the right leg the energy flows with a strong  and constant current to be utilized via the Higher Self and body wisdom. Then, the lower vibrations cleansed from our body chakras is sent down through the left leg through the Earth Star to be transformed as vibration to be used by the Earth for the highest good of all. This cycle flows by design, whether we are aware or not. Conscious use expands the empowering and cleansing effects to keep us in a clear state.

Staying grounded is amplified by attention and action. The more one attends to this essential purpose the more one is present to meet the unique forms of living that are laid at our feet. Since this dimension is that which requires the physical body as our vehicle of travel, the necessity of being connected allows consistent, supported flow. Strong foundation supports all the energy bodies and successive chakras. The more one tends the foundation, the stronger the house, the more our higher vibrational self is available to experience the nuances of living. In truth, work done in the root chakra clears the channels to the crown, opening each to its frequency of wholeness.

Becoming grounded and maintaining that state is  done through a myriad of ways. Putting your feet on the ground is certainly an obvious one, barefooted is better, as the direct skin to earth contact is enervating. Breathing slowly into the body brings us quickly back to a state of center. Stomping on the earth, as in a tantrum or a native dance, stimulates the root chakra to send a frequency cord directly into the earth. Simply spending time in any natural place realigns the cells to support one another.

Healthy eating, hydrating, and a range of consistent exercise also maintain one’s body presence and awareness. Releasing the unspoken at the end of the day will help to sustain the clear state. Cultivating beliefs to be in alignment with your higher intentions will reduce opportunity for energetic distraction and diminishment.  Daily rest and reflective, meditative practices will result in focused mental and neutral emotional states.

Many, due to difficult childhoods and woundings, have sought to stay clear of that domain and spend an undue amount of time and focus on being spiritual. To me, choosing to incarnate in this dimension, is a commitment to experience it fully. Be in body…for that is where the information is. Grounding will insure that we have all the tools to do so. Choose to do so...

  • Our planetary relationship is one of the main attractions for an endless sea of etheric beings desiring to experience incarnating here, that along with the capacity to feel. Pay attention to that relationship daily and allow yourself to expand and reclaim a quality, multi-dimensional life. It starts with the feet...and, by the way, dance and celebrate your way into being solid on the earth.
  • Simply be aware of the importance of foundation through all your moments. Doing so kicks some natural grounding processes into action. We are in symbiotic relationship with the Earth, 24/7. Your awareness amplifies the connection, feeding it, nurturing it, strengthening it. Be grounded and see how you are able to flow with the forms of life. Be the architect of your moments, not the victim. Grounding does this…


Weekly Gratitude E-Book


More Weekly Gratitudes E-Book


Solid on the Earth E Book: 52 Grounding Techniques



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