Sound Alchemy FAQs
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What’s this Vibrational Attunement I’ve been hearing about?
I’m a musician and would like to explore how he writes his powerful healing songs.
I am exploring Sound as a Healing Tool. I heard he does that and has classes and trainings.
Does he really facilitate an online sound healing mystery school?
Does he do Sound Healing sessions by phone?
Will he be expanding his Sound Alchemy Podcasts?
I have used Binaural beats and brainwave sessions. Is Mark doing any of this?
Yes, it is in the planning stage currently, but close to fruition. The sessions shall have binaural beats, isochronic tones, atmospheres, subliminals, and more. Visit the pages to explore the vision.
Can you tell me more about Mark’s intention and vision to create the
In Resonance: Center for Sound and Vibrational Alchemy?
I have heard he is going to be facilitating a lot of regular Sound Alchemy Events in the San Luis Obispo, California area in 2019. How can I find out about these?
I am really interested in working with sound. Are there any free resources available on your site?
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