Curriculum for Level One
A. Sound and Vibration Block
1. Sound Healing History
2. Practitioners
3. Nature of Sound and Healing
4. Physics of Sound and Healing
5. Esoterics of Sound and Healing
6. Cymatics
7. Frequency
a. Plants
b. Organs
c. Cells
d. Chakra
8. Vibration
a. nature of
b. physical body
c. energy bodies
d. nature
9. Sacred Geometry
10. Pitch
11. Intervals
12. Major and Minor Keys and healing
13. Hearing
B. Voice Block
1. Breath
a. Techniques
2. Vocal Mechanism
3. Vowels and Consonants
4. Voice Placement and Body resonance
5. Toning
6. Vocal Harmonics
7. Phonetics/Seed Sounds
8. Language
9. Power words
10. Disempowering words
11. Clearing
a. Pitch
b. Breath
c. Sustain
12. Drone
13. Emotion
C. Chakras
1. Nature of
2. Qualities of aligned and non aligned
3. Spiritual Hierarchy
a. Elements/Elementals
1. Earth
2. Water
3. Fire
4. Air
5. Space/Ether
b. Nature Spirits
c. Animals and Totems
d. Guides
e. Elohim and Angels
Root: Purity/Astrea
Sacral: Arcturus/Victoria
Solar Plexus: Peace/Aurora
Heart: Heros/Amora
Throat: Hercules/Amazonia
Third Eye: Cyclopea/Virginia
Crown: Apollo/Lumina
f. Archangels
Root: Gabriel/Hope
Sacral: Zadkiel/Amethyst
Solar Plexus: Uriel/Aurora
Heart: Chamuel/Charity
Throat: Michael/Faith
Third Eye: Raphael/Mary
Crown: Jophiel/Christine