Wind is moving air. Air is one of the 5 elements. It is invisible, contains prana, oxygen, CO2, and a host of other substances that interact with life in all of its forms in this earthly dimension. Wind creates currents of air. These currents follow physical forces, like centrifugal force and gravity, the Earth’s rotation,to create patterns. These patterns, somewhat predictable, create the weather and the larger climate. Lots of factors go into these processes, but suffice it to say the wind is one of the elements, mechanical, that consistently functions as it is supposed to.
Wind can be anything from the subtle current barely felt on the face to the destructive hurricane winds that sweep the surface of the oceans to the tornados that sweep certain parts of the land. This wide and dynamic range is a significant part of life on this planet.
Underneath all of this dynamic movement of air is the simple fact that wind, moving air, brings change. And it is this truth that we are sending gratitude this week. You have heard of “the winds of change”. When the wind comes it clears, cleanses, breaks up energy, sweeps away the stagnate, destroys pockets of resistance, alters forms, revitalizes the landscape, makes music…
Repeatedly, in these weekly gratitudes we have underscored the fact that change is constant. Efforts to maintain the status quo are met with failure over and over. The underpinning of life is vibration. The incessant oscillation is change, the movement of shape, form, and pattern. Wind, along with water, are the primary agents of change in the natural and in the energetic world.
In celebrating the wind, we are invited to look at the “divine intervention” that infiltrates random moments of life. When you are resistant to shifting a thought, a belief, a pattern, the Higher Self will assuredly marshal the forces needed to instigate a shift. In the esoteric model and understanding, the Higher Self has the capacity to energize change through the dimensional means to bring about the higher awareness we seek. It also has the authorization to do so. Isn’t it curious how wind storms in all their forms occur in certain random places. In a tornado one house is destroyed while the one next door is spared. Coincidence? More like opportunity to grow. It would be interesting to explore the inner lives of those impacted by disasters. I bet there would be some interesting findings.
But for now, let us be reminded of the impact of clearing and balancing within by letting go of thoughts, beliefs, patterns, behaviors, words, that do not serve the highest good of self, others, and world. The winds will come and do the work…gently or with force. It is your choice.
I invite you to befriend the wind. Pay attention to how it feels on your skin, through your hair, on your face. Watch how it moves through the plants and trees. Witness its work on the ground, the sand. Stand in it when it comes. What if it is cleansing your auric field, ridding your energy bodies of the toxic lower vibrational attachments that are attracted by living? Notice how a strong wind vitalizes. It forces you to shift your course. Contrarily, on a sailboat, it is the vehicle for exhilaration and swift movement. Watch the hawk who sits motionless on the mighty currents. Notice the subtlety of harnessing the behavior of the wind.
Create relationship with the wind. Make it your ally. Stay clear and clean and flow with the currents of life.
Taken from the E-
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