The first mention of Planet Earth as a living Being, Gaia, came in the 60’s with a theory put forth by Dr. James Lovelock that proposed that Earth was composed of complex, self-regulating, interactive systems that acted in concert as a single organism to optimize conditions for life. Earth was alive, not just a mass to sustain people.

As time went on the theory evolved into experience that revealed the long standing relationship that the indigenous peoples had always had with the Earth Mother. They saw a profound interconnected relationship between Earth and human so that whatever befalls the Earth, so too, befalls humans.. Dr. Synthia Andrews in The Path of Energy carries it even further: “It is a call to holographic awareness–to acknowledge that each person’s individual transmission is reflected in the whole. Every thought, every behavior, every action of each person creates the fabric of the Earth’s Consciousness, the vibration of our collective frequency.”

Again, from Dr. Andrews: “The Earth essentially has the same energy structures as humans. It has an aura, chakras (as vortices, sacred sites, and power spots), and meridians that are called ley lines. The structures serve to transmit information from the larger Universe through the Earth to all the individual life forms. The Earth receives energy transmission from the planetary bodies, the spiritual dimensions, and the galactic center. The Earth’s aura transmits the collective frequency of the planet out into the Universe, providing information about the inhabitants of this planet. Humans are part of a conscious feedback system to the Universe, helping direct the evolution of the whole.”

The Living Planet, Gaia, info

Photo by Mark Stanton Welch