With understanding we can consciously put into action the tools of care the Earth gives so freely. Thus, I have put together a 4 part series, Self Care with the Season. On the Equinox or the Solstice a bundle of music and information and suggestions will be made available to those who want to explore and activate their capacity to integrate and harmonize with the seasonal vibration.
Each will have common elements but will also carry the unique information and tools that that season requires to engage fully. You can simply wait for the announcement to pick up the next season or sign up now for all four and have that season’s bundle delivered on or before the threshold day of Equinox or Solstice.
Humans are not isolated on a blue ball in space. They are in resonance and harmony with a profound and beautiful Celestial Being, Earth, who loves us so deeply and dearly that she would put up with the historic abuse and disrespect and still remain devoted and dutiful to the grand design. Start to develop and unify your relationship with the Earth and see how quickly you find personal balance and assist in the opening up of many many more on the cusp.