The expanded life is all about awareness. Awareness requires you focusing your attention on something. When you pay attention you receive information and energetic data. This allows you to be more present to the form of the moment, even looking beyond what appears to a bigger picture and a greater understanding.
Our senses are designed to provide information via use/application, paying attention. One who is aware will pay attention and be able to move from one sense to another as needed…at the exclusion of the others (focus). We are able to focus and pay attention by design.
All is vibration, oscillations of atoms and molecules dancing into and out of form. Your senses pick up energetic vibrations and transfer that information to areas in the brain where that information is interpreted, often by pairing and comparison with known information or previous experience. This is all designed to work smoothly.
Life changes this mostly by distracting. Source set it up so that your senses are dumbed down/restricted so that there is not too much information that could overwhelm. Too much input can lead to a challenge in assimilating that information fast enough. Thus the senses are typically filtering the amount and the kind of information. Things that are of interest to you are let in more while things of little interest seem to disappear, though they would be obvious who was interested in it. This contributes to people experiencing the same event in different ways.
Drugs have been created to expand the filters of the senses and let in more of the vibrational information. This can be pleasurable for awhile but can easily lead to overwhelm. Senses left open for too long can short circuit or shut down the organism temporarily. Many users have struggled with the drug being active for far too long, leaving them in a confused or chaotic state. Thus the body regulates your degree of openness naturally…in alignment with your current level of vibration and awareness. Spiritual experiences can open the senses to receive a wider amount of pleasurable information that can reveal new sounds, new images, new sensations. In these cases one can usually integrate the experience with positive results.
We all are designed to pick up and integrate large amounts of vibrational information. But we have also been bombarded with certain energetic frequencies that have a negative, even harmful effect. Daily we are infused with various forms of electromagnetic radiation from power lines, TVs, cell phones, computers, appliances, automobiles, lighting, etc. Our air is compromised. Our breathing has become shallow. There is a cacophony of sound noise filling the city streets. In short, we are being stressed out.
The extreme societal pressures to conform to the norms is causing challenging mental disconnects and body compromises. Self esteem and value are functioning far below what we are by design. In these current times the energetics of the emotion fear are rampant. We live in a culture of cameras and constant recording where our moves are monitored. We are reminded of fearful consequences to our actions over and over. Advertising fills us with the things wrong with us and steers us towards a pharmaceutical that will remedy it, with just a few side effects.
In other words our precious being and our nervous system are under an almost constant bombardment. In schools we are forced to sit still and focus on topics that are of limited interest and real world use. We have been steered into using electronic devices almost constantly to access in the moment information of dubious use and quality. Our attention has become a commodity for sale.
We have been told over and over that our attention span is shrinking. While many are placed on medication that compromises the nervous system and re-
Advertising has been reduced to 10 second bursts that invade the senses. We are under energetic attack to like this and twitter that and share our personal thoughts and lives with millions of strangers. Then, to set our own self worth by the number of responses.
My dear friend, this is not your design. It is not who you are. It is a learned belief and an action that you really do have control over, if you choose. It starts with awareness and noticing what is going on within and without you. This awareness is followed by learning to breathe again, much more deeply. This leads to a calmer state where you are capable of making decisions and acting upon them. One essential decision is to create some space from the technology and regain your ,misplaced sense of self.
I am writing this (and will address it again under the Strategies for Your Moments of Living section) because this resource course requires your attention. There is lots of information in it, sometimes in large amounts of print. You have told that this is hard and you may want to bail on it. I encourage you to not do that. Bring your attention back to the moment and return to reading. The information will interface with your inner knowing and assist to give you back your ability to create space and separation from the barrage of distractions. From this place you will be able to take in the ideas and work with them to decide if they are something worth exploring.
Your true wisdom is contained within. But many have been taught to turn away from that and attend to social media issues (some of which are highly relevant…more later) That needs to stop…for your sake. Retuning to a balance of heart and mind will give you back your whole self, far more connected and relevant and powerful than any smart device.
You are of a new generation. Each new one comes in with highly evolved skills and awareness of the Celestial big picture that is beyond the generations before. The idea is that you become the carriers of the higher frequency capacities that will benefit all…as if you are the teachers of those who have been here. This comes at a price, to some degree. Your energetic sensitivity is such that you pick up not only what is going on environmentally but also what is going on with the people in your immediate field as well as those at a distance. Without awareness of it and any training to activate energetic boundaries, you can quickly become overwhelmed and want to escape in any way possible. This, obviously, makes it hard to pay attention…there is just too much…and it is really challenging to know what, if any, is yours.
You have to create space, which we will learn to do, if you choose. You have the skills contained within you, the skills that will allow you to thrive. It is in your hands to regain access to them, for that is something you can do for yourself. This resource course is offered to jump start that inner knowing and reclamation. In order to embrace and integrate the information so that you can make informed choices, you must be able to focus and pay attention. And this, my friend, you can do…and oh so much more.
Be aware. Breathe. Create separation from electronic media. Get into nature. Use your will to activate the senses to serve you in expanded ways. Take in new information. Use discernment to act upon it. Live in the Now moment. Thrive.