I, ___________________________________ (Birth Name), now fully remember my point of incarnation into this life. I easily recall my purpose, my desires, my learnings, my yearnings, my work, my relationships, my past lives. I invite and embrace my expanded state of knowing how this Universe works, my relationship with Source, my expanded senses and capabilities, my multi-dimensional selves, my guides, teachers, and etheric beings, my skills and talents. I know that at any time I can revisit that entry point and set new intentions that will be made manifest in my current life. I celebrate the ongoing flow and continuity of my I Am That Am Expressing As Me and completely support my Soul's unique journey in this human physical body with unconditional Love, compassion, and empathy. In this flow I allow life to feed me and bring forth a grand adventure that births the Whole of Me in all my moments. And so it is

Point of Incarnation Self Proclamation

Photo by Mark Stanton Welch