Remember that whatever you think, say, and do is registered in Gaia’s Crystalline Grid. She uses the frequency to blend with the rest of the living to monitor and regulate the frequency of the grid. So, it follows that the more you tend to your higher frequencies and live in a way that affirms and supports and blesses all of life, including yours, the more the impact on moving all of humanity into the Love Frequency. It does not take everyone to reach the state, to reach the state. Once the threshold is crossed, all will resonate into the higher frequency.
You are invited to remember that your choices have power and impact the whole. Your thoughts, your words, your actions have supreme relevance. Monitor them all. In no time at all you will find that it moves with ease and grace. And your life will rise to meet the new frequencies.
Take time to infuse your self with appreciation, with gratitude, with blessings. Be connected to what you are doing. See beauty and love in all forms of life. Choose to create separation from the lower frequency elements that are familiar but serve only to compromise your vibration, and thus the grid itself: the news, conversations of low frequency, media of a lower vibe, judgment, hatred, self abuse, holding on to the old ways without using
Photo by Mark Stanton Welch