The Earth is Nature, the natural world…the magnificent home bequeathed by the Divine Design. Nature is the Mother. She provides all that is necessary to thrive in this dimension. She nurtures, nourishes, supports, maintains, invites, inspires, calms…on and on she gives.

Nature is a vibration that realigns, an energy that soothes, a frequency that balances. She maintains the many kingdoms: the mineral, the plant, the elemental, the animal, the human. The natural world is, by design, balanced, cyclical, self replicating, self nurturing, and evolving. Left to its natural design, Nature would be just fine, most likely growing into a ever expanding garden of life.

Unfortunately, Nature is not left alone. Somewhere along the way during the Piscean age that gave birth to civilization, some humans decided they had dominion over nature. That translated to, in reality, abuse. This short sighted ignorance has led to a cleansing period for the natural world. Due to a “Cosmic Intervention” the Earth is raising her own vibrational frequency, just as all living beings are. This is intended to clear the toxicity, the energetic residue, and the abuse. As a result, shifts in the natural world are appearing as significant changes in climate patterns as weather is even more unpredictable. Natural disasters are on the increase.

All of this serves to redirect attention and sensitivity of humans, primarily, to the environment and home upon which they reside. The intention is to reawaken the need for  first, self care, and then committed care towards Earth and all who reside upon her. So, it is necessary that we, as humans, reconnect with Nature and begin to experience her deeply at the same time we choose to care for all facets of her.

Nature is a gift that has been abused. It is time to reclaim the gift and assume the personal responsibility for her care.

  1. Reflect on your attitude towards nature. What is level of belief about the living planet, Gaia? Do you align with the idea that the Earth is evolving, raising personal vibration up to clear and cleanse the “woundings” of humanity’s care?
  2. What is your past and current relationship with Nature? Do you spend time in the natural world? How do you feel when you do? What kinds of environments do you most enjoy? How often do you choose to spend time in Nature?
  3. Suppose the kingdoms of the earth are real. What is your response? Would you be open to create relationship with the Elementals, the Plants, the Animals, the Minerals? Would you be willing to intend communication with them? And then follow up by purposely speaking and listening to the elements? If so, go do it daily? If not, why not?
  4. Begin to gather elements of nature to put in your living space: pictures, rocks and minerals and gemstones, figurines of animals and elementals, plants, water, etc. Communicate with them daily. Notice what happens. Notice your thoughts. When you are outside does the natural world seem more alive to you now? Is it showing up for you in different ways?
  5. Think about the treatment of Nature by humans. How have you contributed to this? Are you willing to create a different, more loving and honoring relationship with the natural world? If so, make a list of ways that you can do this. Then, do at least one each day. Notice how life is as you do this.
  6. Consider becoming active in supporting the Earth in the political arena. Research organizations that champion the Earth, the animals, the natural world. Maybe you can join an organization that is doing earth centered support work.
  7. Take time each day to express gratitude towards the earth and the natural world. Appreciate the diversity of form. Celebrate the beauty of the environment. Tend your own inner and outer gardens.

Taken from the E-Book, Living in DeLight:
the Gifts of a Loving Cosmos

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Living in DeLight: Nature