Excerpt from the Course, Living As If Already Whole)
This is a giving Multiverse. There is a reciprocity process that requires that we are completely open to receive. If we aren’t then the whole process backs up. Well….we aren’t open, mostly. Sure we give lip service to the idea, but when it comes down to it we resist, because we are selective. There is a much higher wisdom at work here that calls for us to trust and participate fully. We are not being sold a bill of goods in our moments of living. Rather, we are being blessed with just the right thing for our full remembering of who we are. Our Higher Selves in orchestration with a host of etheric guides and teachers are applying laws and principles to bring us the meat that will evolve us into remembering.
We are asked to be willing recipients and then flow with the form, seeking the higher wisdom or deeper truth in what has occurred. But we resist and do not like it if it feels “bad”. Well, that is judgment. The invitation, in order to open the manifestation process to full flow, is to accept what is given and take action on its deeper meaning. If we are in a continuous state of remembering then it is necessary that we walk back through some moments of living to clear the energetic residue…which then frees up our vibration.
Be an avid, uninterrupted receiver and watch the flow open up. Then your manifestation requests will be “answered” even as you ask. Care to trust that? Then take action and embrace your moments fully. Express gratitude for all the forms of your moments and celebrate the blessing of the new awareness that frees you from the clutches of your patterns.
Manifestation requires focus, feeling, intention, naming, proclaiming, letting go, trust, and paying attention. Focus on what you desire, flesh it out . See it and feel it. Imagine you are in it or own it right now. Set the intention that it is already yours. Speak it verbally out loud to the Multiverse. Call for this or something more magnificent. Then let it go and allow the ethers to manifest the perfect form to honor your request/claim. Then pay attention for signs of its manifestation. Claim it and give thanks that it is so. Receive it and be grateful. Then start over with the next thing. Build the muscles of manifestation through the moment by moment practice of the above process. Be not deceived by the temporary forms that appear. These are also manifestations of subtle processes and energies that are being cleansed from your being. Keep your intention clean and be open to receive the Highest Good for all involved. Then enjoy the results…you have earned them.
Looking at manifestation through the windows of the chakras helps us see how the cooperative intentional experience leads to manifested results. As established, the Multi-
Let’s briefly explore how each chakra contributes:
Earth Star Chakra
Functions as the focal point of Earth sustained power to keep the entire system clean and effective. It allows the release of energetic debris. All of this serves to support manifestation by keeping your inner resources available for immediate use.
Root Chakra
A clear and clean frequency aligned root is your manifestation ally. As it serves to support the meeting of basic physical needs it allows you to be ready and capable to do that which must be done. Though mind is mightily involved in making manifest it is the body where the action takes place. Being fully in body gives you the skills and the tenacity and chutzpah to get moving on your intentions
Sacral Chakra
A clear and clean Sacral Chakra enables direct access to creativity, insight, passion, joy, and fearlessness. When you have released the wounds of living then you have no reason to hesitate. Your energetic clarity motivates inspiration that is felt and turned into passionate action that is inspired by your interplay with your creative sources.
Solar Plexus Chakra
When your Solar Plexus is clear and clean you do not hesitate to take action. You do not sabotage yourself with weak will and self judgment and criticism. You are able to take action and make ongoing adjustments using an active capacity for discernment. Additionally, since the back side of the SP is bringing in Celestial wisdom you are infused with inspiration and idea that can propel success and abundance.
Heart Chakra
When Love is available to wash through your inspirations you seed it with the infinite possibilities contained in the fabric of the Cosmos. Your open heart magnetizes higher frequency people, places, and things to assist and support your manifestation intentions. You have direct access to the supernatural through your sino-
Throat Chakra
The throat center, when purring and open, commands the Love infused etheric substance into form. It projects the intention into the Cosmos through the voice and sets in play the call to magnetize the just right forms to bring your intention into the Now. Tying the intention with the solid substance of the lower chakras, washing it with the pure love chemistry, calling upon the back side of the throat to reveal the infinite possibilities, and simultaneously projecting the spoken vision out through the pituitary projector brings forth that which you deserve and desire…guaranteed.
Third Eye Chakra
A clear and clean Third Eye Chakra activates the subtle energy anatomy of the Pituitary and Pineal Gland to seed an expanded and flexible vision to express as the companion to the spoken word. Activating imagination lifts the mundane vision into the sublime and invites the unseen and future forms into play, thus expanding your intention in ways you yet understand…but they work. Understanding comes later once you have engaged the as-
Crown Chakra
Your manifestation is the melding of energies of the Earth, the Celestial Galactic Center, and your own I Am That I Am Expressing As You. To become form that is beyond your dreaming it must engage the Holy Triad. The open and cleared Crown Chakra is your gateway to the Cosmic wash that seeds the unseen and the magical and the magnificent into your intention. Here is where your devotion to Truth in living action is infused with Grace. This is where your answer to “How does it get better than this?!” Is interjected into acceptance.
Chakra Eight
This chakra is your gateway to accessing the Akashic Records (the complete factual transcript of your lives lived), your personal Book of Life ( contains the positive perspectives of you in action, in all that has or will happen), and the Shadow Records (holds what was never done, said, or thought to open alternative outcomes around a choice, useful in clearing regrets). Chock full of infinite information born in all of your moments of living it can be an incredible resource in making manifest your dreams, desires, intentions, and purposes.
Chakra Nine: Soul Star Chakra
As the seat of the soul it communicates through images, patterns, archetypes, numbers, and basic symbols. It contains our soul genes, programs underlying our physical body choices, our emotional states, and beliefs. All changes occur energetically at a higher frequency level before downloading into the physical. So, this is where you can seed strong, transformative intentions. Here lies the seeds of soul purpose and the information for life purpose/tasks as well. As it carries all your incarnational data from one lifetime to another, this is where true healing begins. Seed here to divert repeating the same old stuff. For our manifestation purposes you can see the importance it holds in directing us to that which we are here to do, aligned with our pre-
Putting much of this into action, here is one way to approach chakra based manifestation:
One way to make manifest: (All you really need)
I'm building my field of dreams
Making my life the way I deserve it
Building my field of dreams
And so it shall be as step by step I go
Out of my discontent Out of my fearful thinking
Out of the limitations Out of the what-
Into the co-
Into the life abundant Into the life I've sown
I'm not standing still I'm building my field of dreams
With God in my heart unwavering faith all through me
I choose to become I lay down the past forgiving
A still and small voice it whispers inside me forever
And so I move on and with every breath
copyright January 30, 1997. Mark Stanton Welch.
All Rights Reserved.
I’m opening Up my heart and me hands
I’m opening up to be what I am
Into my being the Universe flows
Guidance is given new ways are shown
As sweet inspiration she’s taking my hand
She’s lifting me gently I willingly stand
copyright August 2002. Mark Stanton Welch.
All Rights Reserved.
In endless potential I set my Intent
Straight into this moment
My focus is sent
Clear in desire
I give it away
The details are handled
As long as I say
I let go, let go, let go
copyright May 2002. Mark Stanton Welch.
All Rights Reserved.