Accessing and Using Guidance
It is a curious thing…this guidance. There is a confusing relationship with asking for, receiving, and using the inspiration that comes by virtue of being an energetic being in a constantly changing atmosphere. On one hand we are encouraged to be self made and there is a definite contingent of people living out “I can do everything and I will do it myself!”. And there are those who are hesitant, afraid, and even immobilized by the very thought of changing or moving beyond the current forms of their lives.
And there there is the wash of religious dogma that promotes spiritual middle men because we are supposed to believe that we have no direct access to cosmic divine source. Thus, it is a power struggle where the path becomes do as you are directed, make no personal adjustments, and all will be safe and well. God forbid, literally, that you make efforts that attempt access. It can make you grow hair on your palms…
So, at a time when the traditional programming is being exposed as false doctrine, for the most part, we dangle between the how it has been and the awakening knowing that we are starting on a grand expansive adventure. The universe is reaching out a hand…always has been…will you take it this time and free up the conduits of guidance set in place by design?…or not?
Let’s explore this guidance thing.
What Is Guidance?
The cosmos is teaming with life and oscillating energies that are in constant motion morphing from form to form to fulfill the intentions of the host of beings who populate the far reaches and dimensions. Suffice it to say that we are always in flow. Change is the constant that seeds and embellishes our moments. It is pointless to be in fear of the design. That is a learned mistake. But, it is the fear that pushes many to isolate, internally and externally. Feeling alone is a controllable state by anyone in power.
So, we collectively have reached a place where we must take stock of what is and always has been true…we are not alone. The substance of the universe is Love and that frequency washes our cells and bodies from within and without. The interconnectedness is everywhere and we all, whether aware of not, feel it deeply. When the truth runs up against the crumbling paradigm there is chaos. Welcome to the times.
Guidance is available 24/7 from a myriad of sources and forms. The world as a whole is at the crossroads of collectively choosing to embrace the greater vibration that is reawakening us to the interconnectedness of all. To force isolation in the midst of the river is certainly counterproductive. Openness is what is called for now. Dismantling personal walls and paradigms will reveal the host of energetic beings who are and always have been there for you, and me. Today is the best day to claim this and cross the threshold of fearful separation into the fertile field of together and here for you and me and all.
We are designed energetically and physically to receive vibrational guidance in the form of energy, thought, intuition, sensory image, inspiration, and archetypal restimulation. We have the inner tools and capacities to receive multiple dimensions and time/space downloads of information incessantly, if we so desire and allow. Again, we are not alone.
But, here’s the deal. Except for our personal frequency and lifetimes based guardian angel who will intervene on our behalf as needed, we must seek out and ask for the guidance…and then be open and willing to receive it when it comes. A lot is involved here…first, as in most of the tools for the times elements, is the foundational need for consistent awareness of the bigger picture within and without. This awareness then opens the door to asking. The greater the awareness then the more sources, as we shall see, become available, though they are always there, just beyond our current vibrational level. It is the willingness to reach out and ask that jump starts the process.
Following this is the capacity to receive and be open. The known body senses expand and become reliable continuing to ramp up the degree of sensitivity the more they are used. This increased sensitivity influences the willingness to can see the positive cycle that evolves. This guidance is pointless if it isn’t absorbed and finally acted upon in good faith.
This is the point of this tool, fine tuning the awareness to open the receptivity that leads willingly to action. Off we go!
Making Contact/Listening/Taking Action
Making Contact
Once you become aware of what is available to you, then you can move forth in conscious leaps of faith to establish communication on multiple levels with multiple sources. The cosmos is filled with options, as we shall explore. Nature provides the easiest entry into playing with guidance. You can feel the impact of the environment and the atmosphere that accompanies the setting you are in. Anything that comes in has information potential. It is necessary that you open to the greater expansion to see just how beautifully all of life serves you.
In the beginning you may feel like you are making it up, so go ahead and get into it. Make it affirmative. We are so programmed to think in compromise and bad things that it may feel uneasy to act as if life is an ally. But this leap of faith will pay dividends quickly. For life is, indeed, an ally.
Once you start being open via baby step action the design will trigger within you to become more aware and receptive to other forms of contact and communication. The animals and plants may begin to offer messages via feeling, sound, sensation, or voices. Open up to talking freely with whatever you come into contact with for there are no random events…,.your higher Self is orchestrating your clearing and awakening…do trust this. So everything has a message of sorts. Your heart must be receptive, even if your mind resists.
The chakras come quickly into play as they are the direct conduits of dimensional energy. The backside of the second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth chakras are all highly receptive to Higher frequency, pure forms of cosmic guidance. Blockages between the back and front are what causes the information to be compromised. We shall work with this.
Your physical and other energy bodies function as energetic radar to sense and feel the world, sending downloads of relevant information to the heart, gut, and brain centers to assist us in adjusting our energies to the aligned flow. Again, body awareness opens up the doors to feeling the guidance. At first, it may feel as if you are losing it…well, you are losing the ignorance, resistance, and misinformation that has mislead you for far too long.
We are used to listening with our hearing mechanism and then interpret based on our personal programmings, beliefs, paradigms, energetic residue…a host of established and fear based filters to keep us doing our shit…comfort zone stuff. This is where we must open to our greater capacity to hear energetically. What do you feel? Where does the sensation reside in your body? What is it saying…first thought…always.
We live in a fear based world that is about control, compromise, and acquiescence and giving up to get a false veil of safety. As long as you hold to that perspective then the guidance will be muffled and likely not be heard at all. Words are programs with a host of different beliefs and experiences attached to them…open to a vast interpretation. Develop listening on the sensation level first. Pick up the vibes and acknowledge them . This is powerful and important.
Listening involves the ears, the heart, the lower chakras, your history, your desires, your intentions, your dimensional history, your incarnational decisions…in other words it is a big deal. You receive much more than you hear. Your cells are in constant contact with the ethers and the earth and your own oscillating DNA. Say yes to life and open up. Start the communication by asking for help and guidance. Receive and share in conversation. The answers arrive just before you formulate your response. Pay attention and let go of the pattern of formulating what you say before or as the communication comes in. In the flow you can ride the moment’s edge to deliver accuracy and honesty. You can see that you are developing many muscles of trust, calling upon your untapped and dormant resources to activate and function at their prime capacity. It is a spiraling dance that delivers mightily. And you must be a full and willing participant.
To listen you must be able to turn off the distractions. This involves turning off the mind chatter, replacing diminished thoughts with affirmative ones, replacing patterns of negative mantras with truth statements that activate your inner wisdom and capacities. So get quiet and pay close attention to the place where you are. The revelations are waiting your focus. This focus becomes and energetic signature that triggers the download. Invite the guidance to store somewhere in your energetic field so you can access it later. Using a mudra of your creation will seal the information to reveal when you recreate the neuro-
Also consider taking notes, making a stream of consciousness recording, or moving while you are receiving (stores the information more fluidly in the cells). We are used to dumbing down and chastising our inner resources for doing what they have been taught…stop it!
Taking Action
Not all guidance requires action, or at least, immediate action. Some does however and, as such, must be acted on in a now based leap of faith. Trusting the guidance requires that you get going. This will prime the pump for the good stuff. Once you have showed up to you then your guides and teachers and allies will really begin to extend the long arms of support.
Use discernment, rather than judgment, in embracing the guidance. See how it feels when you put it on. In some cases you will not know how it feels until you take action. Then it makes the cellular and tissue adjustments that open new vistas and provide necessary feedback. You will then be able to make conscious adjustments and take action again. Remember that some guidance is simply to plow up the fertile ground and plant a seat, a simple trigger to making some kind of energetic move that will invite in a whole new frequency flow of people, places, and things. The dance is improvisational. Trust this and ride the waves. It is a beautiful and exhilarating place to live. Shed the resistance. Every step forward dismantles the old patterns.
This dimension is about flexibility, oscillating in a random way that reveals you just as your Higher Self directs. At some point you become the guidance and it will seed your actions spontaneously and without question or hesitation. This will be a sure sign that you are home.
Guidance from Earthly Kingdoms
What appears solid is not. The cosmos is in constant vibration. Each atom is in contact with the whole. The forms are the reflection of an intention and a melding with an energetic form given birth in the long ago. All is temporary and invites you to consciously surrender to gain the knowledge of the way it is. That’s not too hard now, is it?
The Earth is showing up to be the most incredible and perfect playground for the great awakening going on within and without. She is a symbiotic being aligned with the collective vibration of humanity. She influences mightily and in turn, influences mightily. As the perfect reflection of the state of the inner union, she reflects that in the microcosm and the macrocosm of the now that is laid before you, and you, and you, in just the best personal way to trigger your own remembering. Good grief…what a design.
All of the kingdoms are here to support the remembering. It is an arrangement, that is not meant to be abusive, but will move with humans encouraging the inevitable outcome of each returning home to the inner knowing of the I Am That I Am. The mineral kingdom of the rocks and the soil are about foundation and substance, the very make up of our being. It is there to assist in keeping us grounded and in balance to be able to face the moments forms with all of our faculties. It carries strong vibration. It is the source of physical food for all of life, no matter the size or shape. Seeking guidance from the earth is to unite in a powerful, sustainable relationship that feeds, cleanses, and clears. The Earth is evolving with us, and as such, influences our evolving.
The elemental kingdoms are built into the frequency of the earth for she is the umbilical cord to the life blood of each. Each kingdom has purpose. Knowing the purpose allows you to contact and seek guidance as necessary. There is the deep earth energy, the Mineral Kingdom, the Plant Kingdom, the Elementals (including the dwarves, fairies, sylphs, undines, fire tenders, etc), the Animal Kingdom and the winged ones.
Guidance from Your Moments of Living
This tools for the times journey has led me to see, trust, and move in faith that there is a great deal of support and alignment in our loves that translates to the aware one that cooperation and communication is literally everywhere. The Universe aligns in our favor and delivers exactly what we need to remember who we truly are gift wrapped in the forms of our moments.
Wise is the one who pays attention and sees with the heart and the expanded vision. What appears in the initial visceral wash of emotion and old unprocessed energetic residue clears to reveal the loving opportunity brought into alignment just for you. Sure, it may take a stretch to see what lies in the form of a particularly challenging experience. But patience and open heartedness will reveal in a decreasing amount of time the message and the direction. From here one can make new choices and take new directions._
If we arrive with a plan, a history, a set of desires and intentions, and some personal issues to work through then choosing to see everything as related shifts the scope of living drastically. Too many have subscribed to the life is suffering and painful and walk the fine line of victimhood and see nothing but that no matter what shows up. The real danger and challenge here is in the application of universal law that saws we manifest what we focus on and believe in. Life will certainly show up just as we expect it. If your life is not showing up how you want it then look no further than your thoughts and patterned actions.
Your energy field, your unprocessed energy baggage, the wounds stored in the tissues, cells, and chakras, the words spoken, the emotions unexpressed, the judgmental thoughts, the uncried tears, all create a frequency that is very magnetic. Your personal practices build neural pathways that recycle forms. In these forms are the bulk of answers needed to create the new and desired life by making the adjustments necessary…in other words, clear and accurate guidance.
At the core of the whole process is your willingness to pay attention and notice what is happening at the now altar of your awareness. The people you meet and interact with, the circumstances and environments, the sounds, the weather, the music, the signs,…on and on all provide energetic information that can be viewed and understood on many, many levels. Presented directly to you are the clues and the cues that will inspire the new life if you choose to make it so.
The organization of the Cosmos is unparalleled. In the endless chaotic movement of energy lies the capacity to make manifest exactly what you need to move in a life affirming manner, leaving behind the perceived and agreed upon life of limitation. The forms are essentially spontaneous, reflecting your in the now vibrational frequency. We are fast approaching the time when clear thoughts manifest immediately.
Tradition established time and space constraints that required tenacity, commitment, good faith action, adjustments, and course corrections to bring about the intention…far enough down the road that it may or may not even be what you want anymore if and when you got there. As we claim the new frequency energies and choose to allow the conscious release of the old toxic unexpressed woundings, these constraints will vanish.
We are powerful conscious co-
Your own moments of living will point you home. Embrace the forms and find the highest in all parts of it. That is the guidance that is needed mostly here. Once you are on the path and developing the trust then the higher frequency beings will provide the multidimensional links that will open you up far beyond what you thought possible. It starts with the now….what is going on right there?
We shall explore the actual accessing of guidance in the next section…
“I give endless gratitude for all the support the Omniverse provides for me by design. I am never alone, having access to angels, guides, teachers, Earthly Elementals, my own Higher Self, and Source of All That Is. In this knowing I can create and maintain relationship through conscious communication with those I choose to engage. As I trust the guidance more arrives. Good faith cements these expansive relationships. I remain open and receptive to receiving and giving, thus allowing the Celestial flow in all my moments of living. And so it is!”
Cutting Edge Information 19:
Accessing Guidance