What is the Inner Child?  

The child self has been around for as long as humans have peppered the planet. Look at the fairy tales and the way the innocent one succeeds or overcomes the challenges, how the struggle of good and evil must be overcome, how journeys and adventures are taken, how little ones can communicate with the fairies, animals, and “imaginary beings”…

We all are aware that there is a part of us that feels vulnerable, a part that is filled with joy, a part that loves to play, a part that creates, a part that wants to be loved, a part that pushes the world away at times, a part that feels lost and lonely, a part that feels overwhelmed and out of control…

Hello, little precious one…let’s start seeing how we can re-educate, clarify, assist in releasing the wounds and misperceptions, nurture, protect, enjoy…and finally create that elusive happy childhood…

Some perspective on your inner child

Though formal work regarding the inner child began in the late sixties, the presence of the precious one has been in and out of humanity since its first arrival here in the prehistoric times that recorded history refuses to acknowledge. Even Christ said, “Lest you become like a little child, you shall not enter the Kingdom of Heaven”

Curious how the infant enters his incarnation, completely aware of who she is as an infinite expression of the Christ Essence vibrating uniquely as I Am, but supremely vulnerable, dependent, and relatively helpless to move about in his physical vehicle. It is as if it was set up for challenge and an adventure unlike any other in the Cosmos. The energy is raw and flowing, oscillating in the now moment in direct response to the events and influences of the environment. The infant is primarily still a spiritual being with a profound awareness that cannot be spoken…silenced, if you will, by the choice to return to the 3rd dimension and walk the walk of remembering and reclaiming full awareness in the flesh.

The child has always been the bearer of change, bringing joy, chaos, challenge to the parents, shifting awareness and focus and purpose, restimulating the parent’s own unprocessed childhood memories. In some ways, it seems like a doomed prospect. But, honestly, having taken that journey countless times, I realize now that nothing could be more perfect…more revealing, more rewarding…than the winding way it has been laid out in this dimension.

Everything that has occurred to the outer child impacts the inner child, especially in the years of pre birth to seven. At seven the body becomes fully incarnated as the veil of awareness slides over the child’s conscious self (though this is actually changing in these remarkable times of transition in Aquarian frequency). The maternal and familial influences are strong as they seed the energetic being with energy, emotion, patterns, ideas, beliefs, etc. All this aligns to create a frequency filled with energetic memory that does her best to follow his personal intention for incarnation. The big plan is so much larger than that, however. Multiple levels are simultaneously in action: the child’s intended purpose, the past life tendrils, the karmic infiltration and debts, the growing and evolving relationships with the family and other significant players, the current shifting natural environment, the cultural influences of the  community, society, country, and world that the little one incarnates into, and even the greater celestial influences impacting all of humanity are swirling around and through this precious being seeking attention and focus and decisive action…

The Inner Child holds the Divine Template of the I Am That I Am expressing as Me. She is the very essence that has transcended countless incarnations past and future. He has been called the Soul Essence and she lives in the Heart, dwelling expectedly in an expansive place of wonder.

The inner child’s language is emotion and the physical body. She communicates through sensation and feeling. By design, emotion is a raw force entering through the back of the second chakra. It feed the organic response to the moments of living. The emotion rises and falls as it moves through the flow out of the being. The physical design of the human is to be self clearing. Through the incessant circle of the uninterrupted breath the energies elicited by experience are processed and released. Parental injunctions, interventions, behaviors, words, emotion interfere with the child’s natural cleansing process. The impact is that the perfect system is interrupted, which begins the storing of the unsaid and the raw intensity of the emotion unfelt. It stores primarily in the chakras in tissue and cells in all the energetic bodies. Continued storing through repetitive action creates dis-ease. The child’s role is to survive. So, given the circumstances, she makes quick decisions about how to do that, decisions often uninformed and lacking the big picture. These decisions soon become the very patterns, thoughts, and subconscious beliefs that determine how we show up in our world. They stay until they are cleared by re-education, energetic release, disease, shock, etc.

Inner child has been a metaphorical character in countless stories and fairy tales over the evolution of humans. The triumph over evil is the child’s journey. The rediscovery of talents, skills, and capabilities is the inner child’s story. The finding the pot of gold is the little one’s story. Finding love, acceptance and happily ever after is the inner child’s story. Connecting with the seen and the unseen world is the child’s story. Coming home to loving arms is the child’s story.

In the late 1960’s therapist, Eric Berne, put in motion the process of Transactional Analysis, and the Inner Child was thrust into the awareness of the masses. Living in a tug-of-war between Parent and Adult the child struggled to find safety and meaning. This work laid the foundation for a growing awareness of the importance of self-esteem, and books like I’m OK, You’re OK, and Free to Be, You and Me began to reach the hands of a hungry, wounded world. Unfortunately, the structure of the model was not organic but, rather, a stilted and tedious process of identifying who I was in the moment, which part was influencing what, and who was engaged in the drama triangle. A nice beginning, but pretty heady and stumbling.

The advent of the Recovery Movement in the 80’s brought forth the work of John Bradshaw to bring the child home again. It was the beginning of a deeper recognition of the importance of the child self to bringing a life that was happier, more gentle, and loving. The idea of Co-dependency was born and, with the birth of the formal New Age movement, people began to toss about affirmations and attending countless workshops to get a glimpse of feeling in body. The cost of the self-help movement has been to perpetuate the cultural tenet that we are all flawed and filled with limitations, seduced into thinking that the next book, the next process, the next guru, the next workshop, the next retreat, the next course would finally bring me the thing I needed….to feel better about who I am.

Fortunately, during this time, art therapist, Lucia Capaccione, discovered that the inner child could be communicated with in a two way manner. Her pioneering process of non-dominant handwriting opened up direct communication with the inner child. Finally, the little one had a voice, and boy, did she use it. At last, the held on to feelings, the unexpressed words, the abuses, the longings,,,could be released. What a glorious time it was. Journals and drawings and notebooks of cleansing and nurturing dialogue filled the coffee tables of the brave ones who were willing to take such an absurd journey.

When the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 heralded the beginning of the 25 year quickening to usher in the Age of Aquarius, a most profound time began. With the support of the Cosmos itself the masses who would listen were beginning to experience a shift, a budding reawakening to their greater self. Channels everywhere started talking about this child self and how she carried the template of I Am. New Thought frequencies were giving this little one an opportunity to clear the debris on a deeper level and actually be recognized as an essential part of the human whole being. Information from the East began to impact the West as the first glimpses of the body energy systems, including the chakras, was revealed. Out of truth the puzzle began to get put together. A new medical model showed up, embracing the impact of held emotion, unexpressed pain, damaged self-esteem, personal abuse, upon the precious human being. It looked like there was finally a light at the end of that long tunnel.

I, personally, have participated in this long and winding road back to the threshold of an exciting new paradigm. My devotion to reclaiming self esteem took me into a profound and organic process called Somatic Experience. Born out of the work of therapist, Peter Levine, it is impacting the wide scale work with PTSD. Going far beyond the mental gymnastics of traditional therapy, it enters into the visceral pools of energetic memory to assist in clearing the root causes of patterns that were cemented in during trauma, which honestly is a large element of 99% of the civilized world. Based on witnessing how animals go through trauma, it had a profound effect on deep releases of issues I had been working with for over 25 years. It is amazing what the tissues and cells and energy bodies store…waiting for the release.

This new process has created an increasing clarity that, when aligned with the influx of frequencies in these times, reveals a new paradigm of reawakening the inner child/divine template/I Am That I Am expressing As Me to wholeness. It is no longer a process of seeking a path to awareness, it is rather reawakening the inner template to reveal what we have always been. With the Inner child at the heart of things, we are being increasingly re-minded of the skills, talents, capabilities, design that we have inherently contained within us. Our moments of living are frequency based experiences that hone our particular vibration. These frequencies serve to open up caches of wisdom and understanding aligned to our design. This empowerment of the whole self changes the demands upon the inner child to be in charge, giving him the blessings to finally have her happy childhood…overseen by the competency of the Adult/Nurturing Parent/Higher Self. It is model that fits the new vibration and gets us off the treadmill of buying into limitations and separation.

Inner Child and Your Physical Self

The physical is the playing field of the Inner Child because it is one of the primary means of communicating  for her. She attempts to get the attention of the conscious adult through sensation, pain, discomfort, numbness, tingling, irritation, heat, cold, disease. But, culturally and sometimes through family habits, most are taught to ignore, or worse, medicate away the sensation. Too many think this body is an inconvenience, a thing that gets us from here to there, that is only to be paid attention top when something is out of whack…like a car that needs an oil change. We miss all the callings and signs that something more serious is happening. And sadly, too many do not listen until they have a serious, life-threatening condition.

Paying attention to the callings as if they were a text message from your child is a better way to handle it. Choosing to listen and respond is even better.

Additionally, the emotions are another way in which the child strives for attention. It is said that to witness someone is to heal them. Seeing them for what and who they truly are opens up mutual doors of expansion. But we have been taught to ignore and tuck away emotions. Too much emotion is a bad thing. And, oh, the cost of such choices is heavy. Emotions are a primal and celestial force that is quite unique on this earth plane. It is a mighty gift of the Cosmos herself to allow it to flow through us so that we can feel the experience in such multi-bodies ways. Yet we are being feared to death, angered to death, and griefed to death. None of them are given permission to move naturally…the result, stuffing in the chakra file cabinets to eventually lower the frequency enough that a condition of increasing danger occurs…and all because you choose not to listen to the callings of your most precious little inner one.

These two learned behaviors create the forms of the world we live in. People, families, cultures, societies, reflect the dysfunction and cost of ignoring our most precious resource, our inner child. The cost is prevalent in all the energy bodies, starting with the highest in the physical.  Stuck/unprocessed Emotions degrade the emotional body, putting holes in that allow the leaking of our own resources and the absorbing of lower frequency resources from outside. Limiting thought forms take residency in the Mental Body. Both seed the astral with confusion and low frequency energies that populate our dreams and undermine our connections with guides, teachers, and etheric beings of the Higher Dimension.

Slowly developing conditions and diseases are primarily the cost of retention of the unexpressed wounds and the lowering of our vital energies  in our frequency of wholeness.

The Sacral chakra is the primary inner child chakra as this is where the wounds and abuses, depression, numbness dwell. Curiously, this chakra contains joy, creativity, passion, and connecting with life as well. Conditions in the belly and back indicate a compromised sacral center. As a result, we too often stop moving and singing and celebrating and being motivated. The cycle spirals.

The Solar Plexus gets involved and immobilizes us. Poor self image is bought into and impacts our power and our ability to take action. The heart chakra becomes heavy from the leaking of our own self love. Unexpressed grief leads to heart and lung complications. The throat is the chimney of the sacral chakra. Many of the wounds are from unexpressed events. The energy festers and soon compromises the throat and our voice. We turn silent and the energies create conditions to the vocal mechanism and the cervical vertebrae.  The third Eye is the purveyor of the self image out into the world. The higher frequency limitless possibility comes in through the back of the third eye and is stored and amplified in the central chamber of the pituitary gland. When the pituitary becomes chemicalized and veiled through neglect and fast food living, we lose our vision and misplace our inspiration…and we tread water…and along come the pharmaceuticals.

The traumas of living are stored in the holographics of the tissues, multi-dimensional memory banks of moments past. The storage becomes toxic and impacts the the health of all systems. In this traumatized state most people endure life. This is how people become sheeple, brainwashed automatons who have simply lost their way by believing in and subscribing to the venomous,  disempowering dogmas of the wounded and damaged people in power. As a self fulfilling energy most are under the influence…numb and uninspired. Enter the new focus on PTSD and the new therapies rising from this very widespread illness….somatic experience. Please look into it as it can really help shift the inner state and alter the outward expression of your life.

Suffice it to say, the inner child is a potent energetic frequency, clamoring for your conscious attention, witnessing, and companionship. To seriously begin altering the forms of the conditions you have manifested, start creating relationship with your inner one.

So, you, my dear teen friend, have an awareness now to choose to interact with your own child self, still very much present to you compared to those who have been on the planet for forty years or more. Befriending that child self will give you back your tenderness, your wonder, your joy for living. Simply being aware that she is there starts the cleansing and the healing. Start talking to your inner child like he is right by your side. Do things together. Play. Do things you did as a kid and then talk about them with him. The child wants to be told you will never leave her, that will be there in all ways, that you will share clearly and listen with heart open. He wants relationship. He wants you to take away the responsibilities that are not hers. She needs you to witness him back to your loving, nonjudgmental arms. He wants to be valued…and he wants to enjoy life as a child.

We will look at some ways to do this in the other sections. For now, just get to know a deeper part of you.

”I give great thanks for the sweet and precious and knowing part of me that holds the Divine Blueprint of That I AM. I express endless appreciation by paying attention to and witnessing the beauty of children everywhere. I am grateful for the playful life that awaits my attention and nurturing of my child self. And so it is!”

 Cutting Edge Information 16:
Inner Child Reunion

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