Mother Earth, Gaia, is a vibrant spiritual being created to serve the evolution and revolution of humanity. We are in symbiotic relationship in that Gaia reflects the mass frequency of humanity, a veritable reflection of our collective love of self. In any moment we can look out into the natural world and see how we are doing…wow! Are you open to this?
Well here is some more…
“Oh, we don’t need much
To live and be happy in the World
It seems the less we have
The more we breathe the beauty of the World
Walk lightly on the Earth”
from Simple Living by Mark Stanton Welch
There is a confluence of rivers happening today, a flow from distinct tributaries of belief and reality that are flowing into one another to blend into a reawakening of Now Wisdom. One tributary is the learned neglect and self-
The growing confluence is the flood of the second two washing over and through the first to cleanse the litany of blind abuse and bring about a healing and return to the loving tribal relationship of all life, including the Earth Mother. To understand these times one must fall in love with the Earth…again.
A profound and Life Sustaining Relationship
The first mention of Planet Earth as a living Being, Gaia, came in the 60’s with a theory put forth by Dr. James Lovelock that proposed that Earth was composed of complex, self-
As time went on the theory evolved into experience that revealed the long standing relationship that the indigenous peoples had always had with the Earth Mother. They saw a profound interconnected relationship between Earth and human so that whatever befalls the Earth, so too, befalls humans.. Dr. Synthia Andrews in The Path of Energy carries it even further: “It is a call to holographic awareness–to acknowledge that each person’s individual transmission is reflected in the whole. Every thought, every behavior, every action of each person creates the fabric of the Earth’s Consciousness, the vibration of our collective frequency.”
Again, from Dr. Andrews: “The Earth essentially has the same energy structures as humans. It has an aura, chakras (as vortices, sacred sites, and power spots), and meridians that are called ley lines. The structures serve to transmit information from the larger Universe through the Earth to all the individual life forms. The Earth receives energy transmission from the planetary bodies, the spiritual dimensions, and the galactic center. The Earth’s aura transmits the collective frequency of the planet out into the Universe, providing information about the inhabitants of this planet. Humans are part of a conscious feedback system to the Universe, helping direct the evolution of the whole.”
Humans and Gaia are in partnership. It is profound. For a host of reasons that now are not worth exploring anymore, humans have been taught to be alone and fear filled, hesitant to respond to deep inner echoes of power, but unwilling to step out of the confines of belief and programmed ignorance to change the forms of their personal life. Feeling powerless is a learned behavior. Separation is the primary tool of ignorance. Being separate from life and on one’s own diminishes imagination, inspiration, intention, and any willingness to act upon making it different. Couple that with the widespread misunderstanding of the Divine nature of things and you see a great deal of treading water in a self imposed prison, the comfort zone.
One has to be taught to fear. Just as one can learn to find courage and willingness that have been ignited by the information that launches the inner knowing. Civilization is about fear, ignorance, and dependency. Most have learned it well and have been diverted in such a way that they don’t even have a problem with it much of the time. Ignorance is a form of bliss. But being unaware is really not part of our design. Besides, the energies of these times infusing the planet are making sure that no one is left alone to their own devices. Re-
There is a profound process in motion here, inaugurated in the year 1987 with no real knowing of the outcome. Information is laid into the collective consciousness and they react or respond. Some, especially the old souls and the new generations were stirred and reminded of something deeper beyond the cloak of fear that had been the norm. This openness allowed the information as energy and awareness to infuse the inner being to release the personal; understanding, relationship, and application of the insights. As action was taken the vibration shifted, one being at a time. A collective higher vibration began to be felt by those of higher vibration and those awakening. Each fed the other.
For here is the way it works. Through the existence of the Caves of Creation and the Crystalline Grid in Earth there is the ongoing interface between planet and human. Any change in vibration is registered in the field that then initiates new information. The dance continues and is truly based on the receptivity of the individual humans and their willingness to trust and act in leaps of faith. Each feeds the other in a profound act of nurturance. The more open one becomes the more information is revealed in a truly exponential dance. We are built to know what is in this dimension and beyond. This inner knowing is in seed pods or time capsules that respond to informational and energetic keys. Pay attention to life’s moments and nuances and life reveals the bigger, global and galactic picture. How much do you trust? How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go?
This Now is deeply and cosmically profound, This quantum relationship between Source and Life is revealing itself in waves of energetic knowing. Remember, the more you say yes, the more the Multiverse lays the Truth within, upon, and around you. Take it and run with it…live it…breathe it…speak it…be it…not because you are supposed to fix the rest of the world but simply because it is time that you were given your personal keys to the kingdom. Things are no longer the way they seem. They are far beyond even the realms of science fiction. Our willingness to devote our focus and energies to self care opens multiple multi-
We have suffered enough. Victimhood is a choice. The comfort zone has been unmasked. Who are you? Who are you willing to be in this moment? Why, on Earth, would you even hesitate to jump into this galactic love filled abyss of Light and Love?
Gaia lives…and so do we…together. The reunion is at hand. All that is necessary is for you to take the step in good faith…and then listen and pay attention and step again. Open hands…open mind…open heart….
I live here on a planet third one from the sun
All around the Milky Way I go
I just can’t imagine living any place else
It’s the best darn planet I know
I look at her every morning
Walk upon her every day
I had to take a moment shout a little bit about her
This is what I have to say…
I like the big green valleys, yes, I do
I like the snow capped mountains, yes I do
I like the might rushing rivers, yes, I do
I like the deep deep sea, yes, I do…
I must remember to take care of her
I must remember to give back to her
Never let anybody abuse her
Give her sweet sweet love never ending love
Everywhere I go
….Yes I Do by Mark Stanton Welch
The living planet, Gaia, and humans mirror one another energetically. Tending our own energy field is tending the field of Gaia as well, since everything we do registers in the Crystalline Grid and is felt and adjusted to by Gaia. The chakras and meridians of Earth are felt and can be consciously supported and impacted by humans.
Having said that, Gaia is also in process to clear her own field. And though it is in cooperation with humans it also is taking care of itself. The whole notion that humans are killing the earth has always been a laugher to me. The arrogance of supposed power of humans was asinine in the old perspective. In these times, especially after this research, I am finding a slant that makes sense. As Earth is, by design, here to serve the awakening of humanity in an oscillating symbiotic dance it is becoming clear that whatever humans decide collectively, will be supported by Gaia as well. So, in effect, it seems that Gaia is willing to go down with the ship, if that serves the greater Cosmic good.
Gaia is a reflection of the inner world of the collective human. Since humans are so fear driven and honestly, addicted to perpetuating doom and gloom, the earth shakes and shimmies, just like one in fear does. The unprocessed rage of so many humans shows up in the floodings, the tornadoes, the hurricanes, the wildfires as the earth attempts to move the human through water and pushing and release. The human distance relationship with emotions leaves the land parched or exploding in gully washers, just as a human who withholds pain does not cry….until there is so much energetic build-
This is completely unnecessary and avoidable if humans will start waking up to self care and consciously doing the same for the Earth. One thing leads to the next. Healing is a succession of conscious open hearted choices by a sea of individuals.
Gaia has 12 chakras. The seven main ones are debated regarding location; One source says the Root is in Mt Shasta, California; the Sacral is in Lake Titicaca in Peru; the Solar Plexus is in Uluru, the red rock in Australia; the Heart Chakra is in Glastonbury, England; the throat chakra is at the Great Pyramid at Giza, Egypt; the Third Eye is said to be in Kuhl-
The earth lines are like meridians, kriss-
According to Kryon there has been a shift between the Northern and Southern Hemispheres regarding the upcoming awakening of the Kundalini life force in Gaia herself. This shift has occurred as a result of the raising of the collective vibration, due to the influx of high frequency cosmic energy, and many humans allowing a personal vibration shift to occur. . The Kundalini represents the balance of male and female coming together with great energy to create perfection and balance. The Kundalini is a moving energy and as the planet shifts due to collective openings it must shift as well. The land based, masculine northern hemisphere has held the energy in Tibet and India for most of the Piscean times. The new influx of feminine vibration and intention frequency has caused the shift to now be centered in Southern Peru
The Kundalini is considered by some to be where the Heart Chakra of the Earth is. The opening unwinds the male and female to create balance. The movement began in 1994 and will process 36 years until completion around 2040, bringing along with it a host of vibrational shifts that will impact the inner and outer lives of Gaia and humans and all life, though much of the rest of the life forms flow and adapt more fluidly with change than the humans do, less resistance. The shifts will begin at the tip of South American and move North. The forms may be in earth changes but that is dependent upon the collective vibrations of humans. The shift will impact mightily the consciousness of all inhabitants. Expect profound openings and personal shifts that show up as a collective raising of vibration and a visible shift in external forms. The movement is non linear and will effect all in a multidimensional way on many levels., precipitating a new inflow of ideas and higher frequency thought forms that can be assimilated or not due to free will. The outcome is not set because of this. It depends on personal choices by each of us…as these impact the collective in increasing and exponential ways.
There will be an increase of compassionate action in all forms of life as the balance moves in. Deeper connections and expressions of genuine love will be rampant. Peace filled living in complete awareness and power are potential results. The crystalline grid will recalibrate to focus more on holding higher frequency evidence of compassionate action. This in turn, will impact any pockets of resistance to seep along the shift for the Earth will be reflecting a higher love frequency to all. The changes will occur energetically in the physical in places mostly uninhabited by humans, for this is a cooperative opening that serves the Whole. Loss of life is completely unnecessary in these kinds of shifts, though there may be some. The opening will move us all towards a unified state of cooperation and peace. The feminine energy will swell to cleanse out the male dominated resistance to an open flowing heart space. In fact, the whole nature of duality will shift, diminishing in necessity and form, creating an individual and collective unity of self
The movement of the energy through the Kundalini will amplify the opening of the aligned human chakras easing all into living in a connected, loving, confident, competent, intuitive, flowing manner. All you have to do is keep being you and pay attention, apply the new information, and make necessary adjustments…then celebrate
All of this comes directly from my course, Tools for the Times. It is an introduction to the nature of the profound relationship that exists between you and Mother Earth. As you open to it you will be inspired and illuminated from within and without and by the Earth herself. Pay attention, listen, absorb, choose and take action. Activities to expand will be a part of the Tools for Conscious Living section.
For now I will close with an extensive quote by the Celestial entity, Kryon, as channeled through Lee Carroll.
Humanity has the responsibility not to impact the life force of the planet in ways that are not in integrity. If whales are eventually going to disappear (they won’t, by the way), it should be because there is a natural response from GAIA and the oceans, and not because humans want their blubber. If forests are to be cut down for cities and homes, then new trees should be planted (as they are in many places). So there are responsibility issues for resources, and they are to be taken with integrity. So conservation isn’t environmental control. It’s conserving natural existing resources and keeping them clean. The indigenous never took any more than they needed, and then they honored GAIA in the process. This is a lesson for all. Do not hunt for sport. This does not honor GAIA. Fish for what you and others will eat, and no more; fish with responsibility for other life. If you don’t, again, you will pay the price and you will eventually learn this. Humans have the responsibility not to contaminate the air they breathe due to greed. Shouldn’t that be clear to everyone? To do so is to kill your selves! Humans should be careful not to pollute their oceans or throw away their waste in ways that trap any animals. This is not part of normal evolution. Instead, it’s part of a poor consciousness on the part of the Human Being. As you treat GAIA, it will treat you! Is this really that hard to figure out?
…The thing you need to know is that GAIA is in support of HUMAN life, and will adjust everything around it accordingly. Did you know the weather cycle you are going through right now will eventually replenish the ocean with fish? Stop polluting the water, and it will happen faster. But you did NOT kill the reefs of the planet (as you have been told). They die and rejuvenate on a regular basis! It’s mostly accomplished over a long time by water temperature variation (using the water cycle). But the reefs all come back, and so do the fish. Help this along by not interfering and not polluting. This is what we ask of you. Honor species and let them go, even some of the ones you cherish as part of your past. They may have served their purpose, and helped hold the land for you. The plants and animals are part of the support system of this planet of free choice, and have always played their part in support of YOU, Human Being. They come and go in a system to help you to help Earth become an ascended world in our galaxy. This is the focus, and always has been.
Do you see the profundity of the system? Look at what it is about. It’s about you. All of it. Why would the Earth be designed so intelligently to keep track of you, to honor you, to know who you are and the spiritual name you have? Why would that be unless you were important, unless you were part of the master plan, unless you had something to do with the Universe’s future. Think about it. That’s the system. I won’t be the only one to channel this information to you. There are others who’ve never heard these words, who will tell you the same thing. If you get a chance, you might even ask Gaia, and she’ll tell you the same thing. Gaia exists for the sacred Human Beings who are on this planet in lesson. I give you this in love today. I want you to think about something. Everywhere you walk, you’re known by the Earth. What a system!
Why do I give this to you today? It’s so that you continue to feel loved and cared for. It’s so you know there’s a hand-
Cutting Edge Information 15:
You and Gaia, Symbiotic Travelers