This is a mighty big Cosmos. Universe after Universe expanding out to infinity. You know this for you have frolicked about every time you leave Earth as you reflect and decide on your next adventure. When you stop and look at the night sky in a place where there is no light interference you can remember that you are a major part of something ultra magnificent. Start doing it more often because the more you do it the more you open to remembering your own continuity and your own spherical expansive nature. Let the stardust fall upon you and deliver the codings that activate the sweet spot of your multi-
Long time programming has presented Earth as a lonely blue ball in space, alone among the infinite worlds. Thinking that your physical body is all you have makes expansive thinking a challenge…for the physical can easily pull you into focusing on issues or judging or criticizing or stressing or hurting or harming…and that simply keeps you from exploring your expanded self…which keeps you plugged into to the limited thinking “way it is”. Fine…
But let’s start to look at the really big picture here and see just what you are made of, by design.
A dimension is a frequency of particular density, aligned in a hierarchy of vibration. The lower the vibration the lower the frequency and the lower the dimension. Each dimension has a set of characteristics, degree of Light, guidelines, laws, substances, forms, paradigms, and activity that expresses it. No dimension is worse than others as they are each necessary for the full life.
Some Perspectives on Dimensions
We are multi-
One can exist in all dimensions at once though the tendency of the traveler is to move toward higher vibrations due to the freedom that is found. The Whole person, however, is wise to keep a piece in all as each serves a different frequency of the Whole. The foundation gained with the deep Gaia connection in 1D serves the Spirit in 9D. A choice to experience all facets of Earthly incarnation is the most complete one.
The Nature of dimensional access allows one to move easily, once the base vibration has been sustained, far beyond the Earthly Dimension. Travel is literally infinite…if you choose.
There is growing evidence that the primary vehicle to journey in is our own heart, the energetic field that is. For now the travel is an inside job. Expanding the heart chakra, activating awareness of the greater heart space through intention, connecting with the sino-
Seven Planes of Existence
The planes align with the body chakras. In many ways it is a model based on the human organism, aligning in information and characteristics with the energy anatomy, including energy bodies, meridians, and points. But, here, too, the movement up the hierarchy raises one’s frequency and opens up the hidden realms of experience. One moves primarily by choice to change and release the past confusions and limited thinking. Each of the planes has seven additional stratas within it, allowing for incremental awakening.
Physical Plane: dense, solid, the material world, place of space and time
Etheric Plane: provides the energetic spiritual template upon which the physical world is based. Blueprint for the physical. Set your intentions here to let them matriculate in the physical
Astral Plane: The realm of idealized form, home of self image, effected by energy, intention, and emotions. The realm of spirits, the dream world, and the collective consciousness. Responds to strong emotions as they shape the astral energy.
Emotional Plane. The higher astral plane that responds to higher emotions including love. Have greater contact with compassionate guides, including the ascended masters, who aid our spiritual evolution.
Mental Plane: Realm of ideas and concepts. To create one must first have the idea on this plane, then seed it with emotion to make it manifest through the etheric to the astral to the physical.. It is the realm of information, abstract concepts, and communication
Psychic Plane: Contains the divine vision of what you are, where you were, and where you wish to be. Realm of intuition and memory.
Divine Plane: The Divine Mind, the field of energy that surrounds and interpenetrates the other six planes. The container and source of all creation, where the Higher Self resides.
The intention through awareness is to have in the now access to all planes, calling upon elements as needed, moving freely between them as necessary or desired.
First Dimension: Sphere of planetary consciousness, Earth Mother, Gaia. The level of consciousness that connects us all. Related to the supreme grounding iron core of Gaia. Holds the records of what has been, information about gaia and her children. Attune to this to understand our primal nature and our relationships with the planet and all other forms of life on Earth.
Second Dimension: consciousness level between Gaia and humanity. Contains the forces of Nature, guardians of this second level: elementals, nature spirits, faeries. Includes the viral beings, bacteria, and mineral life. Work with it through ritual to attune to nature and heal ourselves, others and the world.
Third Dimension: the level of human consciousness. The collective consensus reality that has height, length, and width as well as linear time, cycles, seasons, and the physical laws of Newton. It is the bridge between the lower realms and the higher realms beyond human consciousness. The realm of humans, animals, plants, and insects.
Fourth Dimension: the space of collective unconsciousness, the archetypal realm that links thought and mind/consciousness and unconsciousness, the dream world…beyond time and space. The world of imagination and felicitous movement and shape shifting, Thoughts and ideas manifest more readily that in 3D as it is less dense. Think of the shifting scenarios in the dream state. Accessed through story, song, myth and ritual. The energy of the celestial beings integrates into us via dreams, archetypes, color, geometrical shapes as vibratory activators to open us to the higher world frequencies.
Fifth Dimension: the dimension of Unity and the collective consciousness or Oneness. Here we experience unconditional love, the Christ Consciousness. A major goal of those on the ascension path. Where all paradoxes are resolved in a sea of non-
Sixth Dimension: the realm of sacred geometry, the language of Life and Light, from which all things manifest. Manifestation as Light occurs here to then descend through the astral in physical presences. Mental in nature and is based on ideas and information. Where morphogenic fields exist. These are the patterns of energy that hold the templates for form. Overseen by the Sirians.
Seventh Dimension: the realm of cosmic sound with no shape or form that speaks/sings things into manifestation. Beyond our current level of understanding. The realm of the harmonics of creation, beyond physical sound…sensed and felt and known. The cosmic sound weaves the forms into manifestation. Call upon the seventh dimension in healing with sound to infuse the frequencies and patterns to rebuild healthy structure. The guardians are of Andromedan origin.
Eighth Dimension: The realm of Divine Mind where exist all the possibilities
Ninth Dimension: The Galactic Center, where one launches into new universes
Tenth Dimension: The vertical axis of the previous nine dimensions that allows immediate access to any of them.
Eleventh Dimension: All encompassing energy field that manifests and contains all previous dimensions. The first realm of Universal Consciousness
Twelfth Dimension: Grand Central sun of our universe, the source from which all constellations and galaxies of our universe emanate
Thirteenth Dimension: gateway to the universes beyond our own, allowing travel
Parallel Lives
Due to the nature of vibration, things can exist in the same space but at different frequencies. Just like the states of water at different rates of vibration: water, ice, vapor, we are capable of such moments via awareness and choice…and practice. The long standing notion of parallel lives as science fiction is fast becoming an increasing element of our reality.
The basic idea is that we are carrying on a host of simultaneous lives in other frequencies. Looking at the dimensions one can easily see how we can spend time in each, living simply from that frequency. Since the Higher Self permeates all personal forms of the I Am That I Am expressing as me, we have access to them all.
Add to this the growing Aquarian tenet of the realignment of the form of space and time from the linear to the spherical, and you can see that we can have immediate access to all of our lives and learnings past, present, and future. We can reach out and grab what we require form all of these dimensions to apply to our current moment of awareness. Let your imagination roll with that one.
The times are about remembering our truth, reawakening the elements that have always existed, and choosing to activate them in our living in the Now. We have no current understanding about what we are capable of, though this notion is fast being replace by fantastic implants that push the limits of our lives.
Right now, just being exposed to these ideas and new forms are opening up a deeper inner awareness and releasing information on higher levels that will soon infiltrate into consciousness. In the meantime, begin to look at the current world form with the eyes of one who sees beyond. Often it is a minute shift in perspective that reveals the nuance levels. Play with it. Start using wonder and imagination to put your self in different places at different and same times. Start to exercise and prepare your conscious self for an impending change in how you are you in this plane. Let your wonder wander…
This will give you plenty of information to reflect upon and allow in to do some energetic rearranging and clearing. We shall explore some tools and exercises to navigate the multi dimensional framework in the Tools for Conscious Living section. For now know that your primary means are your imagination, your sense of wonder, meditation, guided visualization, dreams, intentional travel, your own space vehicle the merkabah, staying grounded, accessing your own Higher Self, refining perception and choice, and developing an expanded understanding of the illusory nature of time and space. Sounds like fun.
For now, read back through the above information a couple of times just to start developing familiarity with the ideas. Then start living through the idea that there is really oh so much more. Your own inner design will start to reveal much to you…as you allow. Happy trails!
“For the expanded me and the expanded life I celebrate with a willingness to explore everything. I am wide eyed and open hearted as I delight through my moments looking always to the big picture that delivers always to me the more than I can see. With my active senses I experience the layers of living. I take time for gratitude and invite in new ways to see and be. No matter what appears before me I know there is oh, so much more. And so it is!”
Cutting Edge Information 10:
Multi Dimensionality