- I Am in a cooperative relationship with all of life on all dimensions. We support and serve one another through the open hearted devotion to the foundational Love Frequency that unifies us all in the Oneness expanse. In this Oneness I maintain my personal awareness and activity as an individual expression of the I AM Source while drawing upon the knowing of my unification, which feeds me beyond my current knowing. I embrace all life forms and kingdoms and celebrate the Source that unifies us. I commit to the interfacing with all, that allows us to serve one another in infinite ways
- All is energy, vibrating in a specific frequency that creates form temporarily. My focus and intention interface with the energy to impact the form and the activity. Constantly changing, I trust the flow of the succession of Nows as I allow my Higher Self to guide me to that which serves me for the highest good of all.
- Life is trustworthy. The more I live as if then the more it delivers the trusting experience. The events and people brought into my altar of awareness are part of an orchestrated flow of just what will amplify my awareness, clear debris, and deliver exactly what I need to remember who I am by design. I remain open to the forms and bless them for arriving at just the right and perfect time.
Taken from the Sound Alchemy CD, Celestial Truths for these Now Age Times
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