1. Cleanse and clear your energetic bodies at the end of each day

2. Choose to use your voice to speak your truth, launch your intentions, sing and chant and affirm, communicate your ideas

3. Maintain and grow your expanded support community in the earthly and multi-dimensional realms

4. Monitor your energetic boundaries whenever you change environments, shoring them up as necessary to maintain your frequency of wholeness

5. Tend your complete chakra system via awareness and activity

6. Be fervent in your choice to express gratitude and remain open to the circle of giving and receiving

7. See abundance and prosperity everywhere and be active in claiming that which you deserve

8. Affirm and reinforce the belief system that suits and expands the new Aquarian principles of a life loving cosmos

9. Live fully in and from your heart space choosing to wash all of your moments with the pure frequencies that honor and bless all

10. Maintain and celebrate your connective relationship with Gaia and all her beautiful kingdoms

11. Maintain and nourish your inner relationship with your DNA and choose to access your akash often

12. Consciously choose health and well being by staying energetically clear and refraining from feeding old paradigms of limitation and disease

13. Choose self care first to stay in your place of center, balance, and power

13 Choices That Will Realign How Life Shows Up for You

Contact Mark to Discuss
any of these