What follows is a list of songs that address the spirit of the program. Listen to each and decide those that are speaking to your vibration in this moment. Then purchase and download them.
Music is an extremely powerful vehicle to support and encourage and initiate inner and outer change. I invite you to use these songs to reclaim the truth of your being and change your life to the higher vibration.
Click on the song title below. You will be taken to that song for lyric, sample, and purchase details. Return to this page and keep choosing, listening, and selecting. When complete, check out at the store. Your download instructions will be on the email receipt. Create a folder on the desktop and save the songs there. You will have your own custom playlist to support your current journey.
I know this is a large list. Just take your time and listen to samples of a few at a time. Make a note of the ones you resonate with. Then make your purchase. The music and lyric will really serve you in reawakening the inner knowing that you are so much more by design. It is time to remember.
It doesn’t matter, it really doesn’t matter, All these things that I worry about
Why not take this moment and really live this moment, Stop trying to figure it out
And let the good vibrations come and sweep me away, let it go, let flow, here and now
—It Doesn’t Matter, from CD, Trust Your Vibes, Mark Stanton Welch c. 2002.