1. Our natural state is health. Maintaining our true vibration is the most effective means to stay in a state of health
2. As all is vibration, we are a vibrating being at a unique frequency that seeks to reclaim itself whenever it wanders, or is impacted by the fields, experiences, and individuals, who enter our personal space.
3. Our body is designed for self repair. When allowed to do so it will maintain the optimal frequency of wholeness. This capacity has not been in place since the moment of incarnation and not long thereafter. Reclaiming this state is one’s personal journey.
4. Our cells, tissues, organs, systems, thoughts, DNA, and energetic field are in constant connection determining the current state of our health.
5. The state of health can be compromised by unexpressed energetic residue from the moments of living. These toxic frequencies lower our vibration of wholeness temporarily.
6. The body is in constant contact with the consciousness to trigger the cleansing and release of the old energetic memories to assist in recalibrating to the ideal frequency. Too often these callings are ignored, by choice or programming.
7. Dis-
8. Physical symptoms function as signposts, pointing to where we have held the energetic debris. A condition is the first calling s for release. A dis-
9. As the physical is the domain of time and space, any dis-
10. Words carry a collective frequency, fed by each time the word was said, the circumstances of its utterance, and the intention behind the expression. When spoken it calls forth the collective energy of all the times it has been spoken to be present in the now to further influence the form. Claiming a diagnosis and then telling everyone about it feeds the universal law that requires you get more of what you give attention to. To free yourself from this powerful influence stop naming your disease. Speak of it in terms of how it is showing up, symptoms that you observe.