Chakra Imaginings and Celestial Revelations
Coming Down the Energetic River

Some reflections that simply drop in for your consideration and, perhaps, implementation

  • Common language and application
      Our energetic anatomy is a given part of our design. Though most are completely in the dark and even suspect of such a reality, it is there in a mighty way. As these times of opening continue to flourish, the awareness, understanding, and application of chakra anatomy will be a part of the common language. And what a time that will be! The open relationship with our energetic system will benefit all and even eradicate some of the dysfunction that current perspectives take as part of who we are. So much to learn!

  • Developed capacity to tie body sensation to chakra clearing process
      Most have a distant relationship with their own physical body vehicle. They are even suspect when they feel any kind of sensation. As the awareness and understanding grows about chakra location and capacity we will quickly learn that sensation is information and, even, a beacon to any area of inner release/clearing. This body/mind communication is a given but is mostly ignored and claimed as a disease that needs medication. Huge mistake with a huge downside that leaves many prisoners of their misinformed fear. The body calls as it clears that which has been held on. The location of the sensation will identify the chakra and the issues there. The aware one can take this information and facilitate the clearing to establish and better maintain the healthy, balanced state.

  • Intentional "programming" of each chakra as desired
      Each chakra is an inner tool designed to facilitate a more present, flowing life. Our knowledge can serve to establish two way communication with each. That communication can lead to a strong, accessible foundation upon which one can thrive. The chakras are thematic and frequency based. One can send intentions to each to initiate alignment and support for that intention. As we learn to dance with each chakra we become more connected to the big picture and find the flow of life that before was nothing but random rapids and roadblocks. Good times ahead!

  • Intentional Celestial contact that allows insight and inspiration for each chakra
      The chakras are Celestial doorways that provide a sure means to interface with the Cosmic energies and Celestial Guidance. Utilizing this opens up infinite possibility. The guidance and inspiration we can receive is endless. Tuning in and faithfully applying our reaching out in faith will quickly alter the course of one's life of separation. Connecting with the Cosmic Whole will deliver the capacity to expand this incarnational experience.

  • Ability to connect two or more chakras for intentional healing or empowerment purposes
      As mentioned above, the chakras are frequency based. They can be aligned by toning specific pitches that correspond with the musical C major scale (though there are others ideas about the specific pitches). There are natural pairings of chakras thematically. Connecting the Root and Crown unites heaven and Earth and feeds you and nourishes you. Aligning the Solar Plexus and the Third Eye unifies the Mind with action. Pairing the Sacral with the Heart chakra will allow the wounds of life to process and clear to deliver you to the land of unconditional love.  The tying together of the chakras, intentionally, can be used to clear conditions, ignite intentions, can celebrate a new experience of your incarnational capacity. I explore this with music and tones in my course, Creating Healing Music for Musicians.

  • Proliferation of In Resonance Sound Alchemy Centers worldwide
      I am in the foundational process of establishing a Sound Alchemy Center in San Luis Obispo, California. My vision is that these will serve as energetic fast food to facilitate individuals and the community regularly. I see them franchised around the world, serving the vibrational needs of one and all. To explore and even get involved in this vision please visit the In Resonance Sound Alchemy Centers page.

  • Capacity to expand life span through consciously applied chakra maintenance
      Too many of our societal and human "diseases" can be traced directly to the swallowing and storing of energy that was meant to be expressed during our moments of living. We are designed to be a self cleaning oven, capable of longevity that far outdistances the common beliefs of 75 to 100 years. Not knowing about nor using our capacity to clear leaves us like a cesspool of the toxic unexpressed. This energy stores thematically in the chakras and calls for support through action impulse calls along the meridian system in our body...something, not too many are aware of. As humans we are taught to ignore or mask or treat (can you say phaarmaceuticals?) or deny and suffer through Western Medicine cut and clear tactics that further degrade the body. It is a mess...though there are alternatives. Chakra understanding and conscious application of principles can extend your life, in both quantity and quality. Time to wake up to our magnificence!

  • Establish direct contact through each chakra with attendent Ascended Masters, Angels., and Dimensional Guides.
      Each chakra has a direct phone/text/email/telepathic connection to a host of guides and teachers who are more than willing to heed your call and provide support via insight and information...if you choose. That is the problem...most are ignorant of the who, what, why, and how of Celestial contact. Well, each chakra has an Ascended Master, an Archangel, and a plethora of aligned to you guides that are waiting for you to interface. So, take a leap of faith and start reaching out. Or you can continue to sing "Alone Again Naturally." Lots about this is contained in my book, The Handbook of Complete Chakra Care, available as a download or a printed book. Get yours today to move to the head of the class!

  • Discover correlation between chakra energetic system anatomy and DNA for the purpose of alignment and empowerment
      Welcome to the frontier. The understanding of DNA has been rudimentary when compared to the big picture. The idea of "junk" is a laugher. Scientists do not yet see the big picture. It is taking Celestial channels, like Kryon, to step outside of the Box of normal to provide insight and hot off the press information to lift us out of the DNA dark ages. I believe there is a profound correlation between our energetic anatomy and the "junk DNA". It shall reveal itself as the openness grows. The specifics likely will allow us to further learn to shape our incarnational life from the foundational physical level, even allowing us to become dis-ease proof, at least completely capable of calling upon our whole body system to diffuse and dismantle any budding or established conditions at will. Imagine being a complete self regulating being who is here to fully experience the moments of living in all their glory...yes, imagine that.

  • Ability to "cure" physical, emotional, mental conditions through intentional applied actions aligned with each chakra.
      See above. This is already in process. Being aware to notice the body callings and responding to them with clear action is a gift we all possess. Time to activate that gift. Physical, emotional, mental, and even, spiritual challenges can be nurtured into rebalance by your conscious use of Celestial principles contained in our design.

  • Develop complete emotional literacy through the conscious use of chakra frequency and vibration
      The chakras are the crucibles of the human emotions. They hold the capacity and also the debris of the unexpressed in this convenient file system that awaits your conscious house cleaning. Emotions unreleased (the typical human condition) are stored. From their storage link they send out the callings (sensations, pulses, aches, pains, diseases, etc.) to the conscious self to take action to release and allow. Learning and applying the process will lead you to experience the clarity of emotional literacy which will free you up to the flowing, balanced life, that is, at the same time, juicy and packed with adventure. Time to embrace the delicious part of you fully. Explore the future class, Finding and Freeing the Emotions, if you really want to ride the leading edge of the wave.

  • Learn to create conscious loving relationships via intentional chakra interconnects
      When one is fully in the toxic unexpressed energetics of living unconsciously they are usually looking for someone to take care of them and make it all OK. Thus, the need to find "the One". The dynamics of relationship run the gamut from "can't live if living is without you" to "you're no good, you're no good, baby, you're no good", and all that lies between. Goodness, what a mess...all invented for the sake of country music songs. Clearing the chakras will bring you to the balanced state that does not require fixing. In fact, it deposits you at the door of "yes, I am fully capable and willing to engage unconditional love". This would eliminate the relationship roller coaster that perpetuates a dysfunctional human "love relationship". Once clear and balanced you are free to explore the conscious connects of chakras (heart to heart, belly to belly, eye to eye) that will lift you into the realm of Celestial shangra la....but, you might be thinking, where's the fun in that?! Until you experience it, you just won't have a referrant. The ball is firmly in your court, my friend. Explore the profound course, Tools for the Times, to find blueprints for living consciously to drink richness of the clear, conscious life.

  • Two way conscious communication with Earth via chakras
       From the higher perspective, humans and Mother Earth, Gaia, are in a symbiotic relationship, reflecting the inner energetic state of one another. As Gaia is here for our dining and dancing pleasure, she is actually an unending energetic resource and an incredibly reliable mirror for all of us. The Earth reflects in real time the inner state of its human inhabitants. The current devotion to the downward slide due to global warming is the Earth giving us an alarm about the amount of heated anger, the dryness and fire of rage contained, the water of repressed emotion pushing to flow, the depletion of inner resources in the name of greedy get the picture. Opening up to this will allow us to expand our inner eye to notice how we are seeding and living into our own demise...or not. Choice, it is. The Earth, you see, is the reflection of your own inner self. So, do something about. Use your new knowledge to clean the pool. You are a being of love, conected with one and all. You can begin to develop this awareness by paying attention to the animals that come your way, connecting with the plant world, going barefoot on the soil, drinking in and celebrating the natural beauty of the Earth. Opening to the connected life will slow down and even reverse the ignorant human impact upon this planetary living home. Explore this idea and find some critical actions in the resource section under, Conscious Relationship with Gaia. You will be glad you did...

  • Spinal Alignment via clearing and maintaining external spiritual points
       The by-design connection we each have with Celestial Source is profound and all encompassing. It is there keeping us alive and connected to  some degree even as we are uninformed or selectively ignorant of our spiritual design in a human body. According to one, Cyndi Dale, author of such relevant books like, The Subtle Body Encyclopedia, shares about the connection of each spinal vertebrae with an energetic thematic external spiritual point that actually augments the chakra system. It is revelatory if one chooses to engage it. Nothing is by accident and everything has information and meaning, both personal and Cosmic. You and I live and experience, and, based on our awareness and applicable understanding of our greater design, we flow or we stumble through the gifts of life's moments. When there is discomfort in the spine go here first to find out the companion "issue" and work to nurture it into release/change. Likely the spinal issue will fly away. Worth a shot, I would say. I am simply amazed by our design template that each of us carries no matter what specifics happen to divert our focus of living. . Again, explore this in the book, Handbook of Complete Chakra Care.

  • Intentional distance and dimensional healing on others via conscious chakra frequency application

     As energetic beings living in a sea of oscillating vibrations we are quite malleable and certainly not separate. Yes, we have unique frequency to "define us" but we are harmonically connected to all of life, and, thus, are capable of conscious contact free of time and space parameters. The chakra system is actually a dimensional design. We are not three dimensional beings at all...that's another discussion. The chakras act as a bridge between the physical body and the Celestial and all of its dimensions, defined and to be discovered. We can use it when we create the balance and choose to visit our multi-verse in all of its form and glory. You can send intentional energy out to select individuals, groups, causes, ideas, etc, as you choose. It is often a Third Eye action because it is idea based. But your chakras can be directed one at a time to "message" another at the thematic level of that chakra. Want to support someone's emotional release. Direct Sacral Chakra energy to their own Sacral receiver to assist alignment and clarity. If you know of another with physical challenges then locate the nearest chakra and send from your own chakra of choice higher intentional energy to activate that person's personal healing template. So many possibilities here to put into action. And, as with anything new, do it a lot and develop the muscles to amplify the willingness, power, and effectiveness of your energetic gift. Consider also doing this to your own self from the past to assist in clearing and clarifying. This will assist the current you in experiencing spontaneous stuff, inspired by the expanse of your own imagination in action.This is quite much so that I am going to put a short activity course together to explore and develop this capacity. Stay tuned...


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Action Five: Breathe into Chakras
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