Annotated Workshop List

Yes, this is an extensive list of workshops to explore. These have been presented through the years one time at least, sometimes multiple times. Even then, when there was a repeat it had a new flavor to it because of the energetic needs of the collective participants. Consider having Mark do something every time he journeys through your area. Even set up a sequence that is in alignment with a theme going on in your facility... Give a look and then contact mark if you want to discuss it in more depth. And, again, maybe you have a new topic you want to enter. Mark can create a workshop for you, whether he facilitates it or not, it will be relevant and impactful....
1. Tools for the Times

These are profound days of change, when so many of the forms we have relied upon are on shaky ground. The powerful energies of these times are inviting and pushing us to shift our perspectives, change our beliefs, let go of the past, be different in the world, be clear…at last.

New tools and techniques are required to integrate the new energies if we are to learn to flow with the ever changing, expanding inner and outer worlds. New ideas and understandings are arising daily in the hearts, minds, and spirits of those who have been receptive. This information is meant for us all. It is what can help us to each navigate these remarkable moments we find ourselves immersed in.

This workshop will teach these tools and put them into action

2. Chakra 101: Chakra Clearing

This workshop will teach you about the 7 in-body chakras, part of the greater body energetic system. It will give location and characteristics of each, giving ample opportunity to locate them via sensation and increased awareness. The introduction will be followed by a multi modality clearing for each of them, with special attention given to Chakras 1-5 where much of the wounding and patterns are held in the expanded body.

3. Intro to Sound Alchemy Healing

Explore sound and its vibrational application on the body to bring systems into balance. You will experience many of the tools used to influence the specific frequency vibrations contained in each of us. We will learn about energetic clearing using color, rattles, bowls, and bells. Multiple experiences with tuning fork sets will sensitize you to specific areas in your own body that can be triggered to reclaim their ideal frequency. Using voice, we shall reactivate the connection between the lower chakras and vocal expression using spoken word, affirmation, sound play, chants, mantras, and intentional songs. This course is the doorway to deeper study in the new paradigm of sound alchemy.

4. Celebrate a Conscious New Year

An alternative to the traditional New Year’s party excess is to engage in a powerful evening of clearing the energetic debris of your past, reclaiming your center, reawakening your Divine Design, clarifying your intentions and setting them into magnetic motion, and celebrating in a fun and magical experience that leaves you humming in a new higher vibration.

You are invited to join like minded, like-energied people to consciously create an evening of letting go, opening up, setting intention, and celebrating… together. These times are about Oneness and Community, so let us begin a new paradigm in a conscious state and put it into motion through thought, feeling, and action. Let us ignite the new year with full awareness of the new way things are…discovering for ourselves the unfolding majesty of this Earth plane we find ourselves inhabiting.

5. A Very Merry Christmas

The holidays can be stressful. The season of love and sharing can easily become a pressure cooker because of the unprocessed personal energetic history we carry. This energy can easily get triggered by the mixture of adult and child that the season invites and ignites. Too often we have anything but a Merry Christmas.

Would you like to experience a different holiday season…one filled with clarity, peace, sharing, and loving joy? You can if you learn a few new tools, choose to actively clear the energetic past, and take action on being your full self in a higher frequency in the now.

Join sound and vibrational alchemist, Mark Stanton Welch, for a unique afternoon of letting go and reclaiming. Out with old and in with the new. We are being showered with a great Celestial gift of cleansing energy. Learn how to ride that wave to wake up your child self and re-activate the wonder, joy, and trust that has always lived within you, just under the level of awareness.

6. The Art of Energetic Self Care

An expansive afternoon of learning a variety of tools for nurturing self care. Using cutting edge information and activity in a variety of modalities you will learn to be comfortable and competent in keeping your energy levels high to more fully address each moment's unique requirements. We will employ sound tools like vibrational clearing and amplification, mantra, chant, and intentional song to clear your energy field and lift your personal frequency to much higher levels. Focus shall be more on the physical and mental components of caring for our being, developing new awareness and establishing new tools to more fully experience your Whole Self in the moment before you. Empowering and fun. Bring water.

7. Resolution Recharge

How many of your well-intentioned resolutions fizzle out when the momentum of their creation meets the resistance of actually doing the work?  You can toss them into the pile of past attempts, or you can learn to utilize the energetic flow of the Universe to re-ignite your intentions and gather the force to fuel your desires into fruition. Join a playful and powerful experience of witnessing one another’s passions into being. We shall use a wide variety of activities to clarify the intentions, clear energetic resistance, and set them free with powerful wings to initiate a call for something even more magnificent.

There are many, many resources, seen and unseen, who are aligned for each of us. We simply have to call forth the support and be willing to trust and use it.

If you are less than satisfied with the results of your New Year’s launch, then join sound alchemist, Mark Stanton Welch, to learn and experience  lasting techniques that will serve to create the life you intend. Please bring a list of this year’s intentions with you.

8. Living in Delight

In these times of swift and encompassing inner and outer change, we are standing in a new vibration with each arriving moment. The benevolent multiverse (multi dimensional universe) in which we thrive is, indeed, showering us all with gifts, talents, skills, information, insight, and support to encourage us to claim our life of peace, joy, and abundance.

It is time to willingly accept all that is being blessed upon us.
Join facilitator, sound alchemist, singer-songwriter, Mark Stanton Welch, to say “yes” to your bequeathement.  We shall reveal much of what is being given in these times. And, of course, you get to take it all home with you!

9. Re Awakening

Are you ready to:
Remember who you truly are?
Access your inner knowing?
Activate your sleeping inner talent and skill?
Build a bridge between past and future lives?
Consciously activate your DNA strands?
Learn to cleanse and maintain your energy bodies?
Unify the inner and outer chakras?
Experience the power of the now moment?
Open to guides, etheric teachers, and angelic support?
Open your intuitive doors and activate your imagination?
Reclaim your power of communication?
Expand your relationship with the cosmos?
Experience your life multi-dimensionally?
Establish and maintain your place of inner peace?
Reclaim the cleansing, expansive power of song, mantra, chant, and movement?
If so, then you are being called to attend this unique and extremely powerful two day experience.

10 Reclamation of Wonder and Imagination

When you were a child, the infinite possibilities of the beautiful Earth plane were available to you. Everything was new, a treasured experience of its own. You saw a colorful, fragrant creation in front of you. It brought wonder and stimulated your natural ability to imagine its use, its story. When the flower was given the name, rose, you lost your experience of the whole flower and it became a named identity…gone the wonder and the greater experience of it.
Growing up had its cost. We misplaced our innocence, our sense of wonder, and our divine gift of imagination…all set aside to diminish so we could be “normal”... a tragic event, indeed. The good news is that it was never lost, our capacity to wonder was simply dormant. And, in these profound times of expansion, change, and remembering, the imagination is reawakening to reveal, once again, the greater truth about this beautiful life on Earth.
Join me as we ride the new energetic waves to blossom our dormant senses once again. Wonder is an element designed in us all. The imagination, waiting patiently in the third eye, is ready to explode to reveal the expanse of life. Are you ready? Are you willing?
We will explore what is unfolding in these times as we invite and experience the resonant and fast revealing Now. It is time to step out of the darkness and the black and white version of living to reclaim our full throttled, living color playground. If this stirs your spirit and excites your inner child self, then I expect to see you there. A community awaits. Come and claim your wonder full self…imagine that!?!

11. Chakra 201: Solar Plexus: Personal Power

The solar plexus chakra is about personal power, decisions, will, and action. When this chakra is healthy vibrationally, you are strong and grounded in your being. You can make decisions and act upon them.You can let the world do its dance without resisting or pushing against the river.

When this chakra has been weakened and compromised by the experiences of life and subsequent choices, you become a victim of life. You hesitate and give in and are wishy washy. You have difficulty putting your decisions into action. You stand still and play it safe and life keeps moving by.

It is time to take charge of your own place of power. Learn about self care on a level. Reclaim your balance!

12. Tools for Conscious Thriving

These are remarkable and unprecedented times when change is constant and sweeping. So much of what we thought we were is being rewritten as new information blossoms into awareness by the moment, giving us glimpses of a magnificent human design far beyond the limited one we have for so long been led to believe in. We are so much more than we have allowed.

With this awareness comes the opportunity to open to experiencing life, and our own human body, in expanded ways. The new information activates inner understandings that have long awaited this time of waking up. The idea of you and me as a spiritual being having a human experience in a physical body is quickly being revealed for what it is. You were born to thrive. And it is time you did so.

Practical Tools for Conscious Thriving is the first of a series of experiences to reawaken the bigger picture of life that has always lived in you. The new information that is activated by your willingness to wake up carries within it the tools to put it into action. Learning these tools will deliver a new, more clear, more confident, more capable, more enjoyable experience of you.  Are you ready for that? Are you willing? I say you are!

13. Born to Manifest the Glory

These are profound days of change, when so many of the forms we have relied upon are on shaky ground. The powerful energies of these times are inviting and pushing us to shift our perspectives, change our beliefs, let go of the past, be different in the world, be clear…at last. We can respond by resisting, running away, or by opening up to a greater vision of who we truly are in our life journey on Earth.
What if things were very different than they appear to be?
What if what you were taught was not the total picture?
What if you were purposely given misinformation to diminish your awareness of your power?
What if you have lost touch with your true design?
What if there were Universal Laws that govern this dimension…that you are unaware of?
What if the yearning for something different in you was a call for help?
What if you were “good enough” already?
What if it was time for you to step out of your perceived limitations?
What if you were meant to be happy, peaceful, fulfilled, and prosperous…by design?
What if?…….What would you do?

You are invited to participate in a unique, timely, and empowering workshop to learn about your true possibilities. These remarkable times of change have revealed significant amounts of information that, when embraced and applied, can seriously alter your inner and outer life. You are, by design, so much more than you have been supported to be. It is time to become aware of new information so you can finally make a clear, informed choice of how you show up to your life.

14. Reboot Your Life

When the computer gets sluggish, corrupted, or freezes, a reboot restores the original operating system and full functions return. We, too, carry an original operating system. Through the years of living we corrupt our programming, grow sluggish and hesitant, and function far below our potential…It is time for a reboot!
Join singer/songwriter, sound alchemist, Mark Stanton Welch, as he shares proven tools and techniques to return you to your presence and power. Reclaim your abilities to clear your vibration, maintain chakra health, live from the now, celebrate life, flow with your emotions, access guidance, choose balanced living, and more.
This celebration of you is your opportunity to turn off that which no longer serves you and regain access to that which you are…a unique, spirited expression of the Divine in human form. Lay down the frustration, confusion, fear, and doubt. Reboot!

15. New Strategies for Making Your Now Moments Peace Full

These times are filled with rapid shift and change on both inner and outer levels. It can be quite a challenge to find a place of balance when your world is shaking. New, expanded awareness reminds you that you are so much more than you have allowed and are actually primed and supported to reawaken your own deep inner pool of peace.

You are a being that is designed for supreme peace. You have everything within already to soften your moments of living to be able to integrate with the big picture of life in these times.  

It is simply a matter of reawakening your own awareness of what you can do…and then having ample opportunity to move and play with it to make it yours, once again.

Come together in community to find your own place of peace as you take gentle action to remember some of what you can do.

16. Advanced Manifestation and the Moving Sea of Abundance

When you look out at the world what do you see? Abundance? Lack? Prosperity? Scarcity? Can you believe that It is your perception, built from learnings, experience, directives, and a host of in the moment decisions that determines what shows up in the forms you call your life? And, oh yes…your current frequency has something to do with it, too!
These times are delivering to us profound new information that is pointing us back to the treasure of our deepest selves. Yes, you and I actually have all the answers to anything that could ever challenge us…but we have lost touch with this knowing, and a host of others, for a long, long time…until now.

Are you ready to reawaken talents and skills that will direct life to deliver that which you deserve and desire?

Then it is time to re-calibrate your inner world with the re-minders of your own personal truth…that you are oh so much more than you have allowed. Key elements can trigger your own remembering and application of just what you need for the current forms in your life.
There is no lack. There is no scarcity. Embrace that and make it yours and you will consciously alter the forms of your moments.  

17. Using Life Experiences to Empower Your Now Moments

We all have our personal journey up until now… life experiences that happened along the winding road that brought us directly to right here. To many this may appear random and make no sense. But, upon closer look, we can begin to discover the connections and the inter-weavings that have a revealing wisdom about them.

It takes a courageous and adventurous one to step back into the closed doors and explore the bigger picture of what happened along the way. You are a result, here and now, of those experiences, of your decisions about them, of what you still carry from them, and of what you chose to believe through them about you.

This is a unique opportunity to look with fresh eyes at the gifts that have risen from the events of our lives, many yet to be claimed. It is time to rediscover the beautiful continuity of the life you have lived thus far…

18. Living in Alignment with Your True Design

You are so much more than you have allowed yourself to be. As a dutiful servant to your own personal history you likely find yourself wondering what is next…while all the while, you, along with the entire human race have been receiving a Celestial wash of transformational energy designed to reactivate your true design template.
You know something is happening. You feel different and strangely motivated to really explore this life…beyond the routine and the pressure of normalcy. You sense a massive change, a waking up, a laying down of the old ways…
Would you like to explore this and find out what it is about? Would you like to jump start a conscious journey into an expanded life? Would you like to activate skills that will allow you to be more in balance, more present, in a higher vibration, more flowing with the forms of life that come your way?

19. Energetic Boundaries 101

As energetic beings we vibrate...often all over one another. It is easy to pick up vibes from another and start to think that the sensations, effects, and thoughts are your own. We impact and influence and even control one another at times...energetically. It is wise to learn to identify, establish,  and maintain our personal energy field...not because we are afraid of life so much, but, rather, because we want to maintain and live/thrive in our own personal frequency. Come and we shall learn how to do this.

20. Putting Being into Action

We, in the Western world have been bombarded by an Eastern philosophy that encourages us to simply be. In direct contradiction to this marvelous and healing directive is the reality that Western life is about action... Our programming says move and go. So, the challenge is to take the Eastern "being" and merge it into the Western "doing" to create a harmonious expression of the two...a balance.

This workshop explores ways to create a softness in expression; a centeredness in action; an inner connection in the middle of an outer experience.

21. Wisdom of the Elders

In native cultures the elders are revered and held in esteem. They are looked upon as the wayshowers  and the bestowers of wisdom. They are kept in the family and often assist in raising the children. Thus, the goodness of the culture is preserved and there is a traceable link between then and now. In the Western world, we farm out our elderly as we perpetuate an addiction to youth.  We foolishly turn our backs upon the wisdom that only the years can bring.

This workshop is an invitation for anyone over 60 years of age to come and share the wisdom gained through living, with a respectful, honoring audience... Each participant will be videotaped to result in a magnificent collection of local philosophy. It can easily become a fundraiser for a church or organization

22. Men: The Sacred Gates of Transformation

Men are still in the midst of an identity crisis. Having been programmed throughout the existence of humans on Earth to be the warrior and the breadwinner and the proactive being, we find ourselves now in the throes of confusion, oscillating between the aggressive cave man and the soft, sensitive, sexy hunk. In the midst of the extremes we search for some foundation. The women's movement has given us a parade of wishes and demands, most justified. But just as we donned the cloak of each, the form changed and we were asked to be just a little bit more....of whatever. The simple truth is that we are men, just, breathing, feeling human beings capable of magnificence and mistakes. We only desire to be what we are.

This workshop opens those doors to our past, our present, and our future to reveal the beautiful and multi-faceted being we must be in these times.

23. Dance of Creation

To create is to be human. Creation is essential to our evolution and our well-being. We create in moments in small ways and in profound ways. Our creations can be a personal event or have monumental consequences upon the masses. Many have had their creative process discouraged and have lost faith in their own capabilities. They think creation must be large. What is needed is a return to a simple process that unblocks the wellspring. We need reeducation and practice and encouragement and celebration. Only then can we return to the flowing dance between thought and vision and manifestation.

This workshop does just that.

24. Ritualize Our Daily Lives

In the Western world there are so few touchstones. We have forgotten how to honor and celebrate our achievements, however large or small. Other cultures recognize the flow to life, the significance of a moment's accomplishment or a progression earned only though living. They stop to ritualize the events and thus have a trail through the uncharted waters of life. We must adopt this process of seeing where we are and from whence we have come. It will help us to embrace where we are going. Creating rituals will help us to be keenly aware of our moments, allowing us to flow...

This workshop explores the ritualistic process of other cultures and teaches  tools from which to mold our own personal and relevant honorings. Participants experience and create with the intent of applying the rituals when they leave the workshop.

25. Living with Passion

Has your fire been swallowed up by the routines of your days? Where lies the zest and wildness of your youth? Have you surrendered to the inevitable and resigned yourself to just fade away with time? The DNA of humans paints a picture full of life, a being immersed in the senses, drinking up moments with abandon. This blueprint still lives within you. By identifying the blockages and the resignations made we can return to an adventurous spirit. By experiencing passionate moments we can remember and give ourselves permission to celebrate.

This workshop is a remembering and a celebration of an essence that truly shouts out, "I AM!"

26. Becoming Empty's everywhere...on the inside and on the outside. We spring clean only to make room for the newer model. We let go just to cling to the newest and latest way of being. There are things we need and things we don't need. There are ideas and beliefs that serve and those that do not. Let's find out what they are and say goodbye to those that no longer nurture. This is not a brutal process but, rather, a gentle recognition and compassionate letting go of the worn. We honor that which has served us and say goodbye. And thus we are free to insert that which we desire in a conscious, knowing way.

This workshop is about making room for internal change...

27. Men and Women Together

Despite the differences in the ways of being and interacting, men and women must find a way to bridge these chasms and create a cooperative and harmonious life. Instead of retreating to isolated same-gender groups (which are valuable, but not the only path), men and women must sit in the same room and communicate honestly and completely. Men need to hear from women and visa versa. It is time that we speak to one another and clear up mass misconceptions about the other.

This workshop is an invitation for men and women to come together to share, to emote, to educate, to enlighten, and to forgive one another.

28. Connecting Through Sacred Song and Dance

The fast paced culture we survive in discourages soulful and heartfelt connections. We yearn for and must have something deeper. But often, we fall short of what would truly nurture us on all levels. Music, in the form of repetitive song, can bring us back to a gentle, open place from which we can safely release our love. In that space, we can then interact with others in a beautiful and profound way...through interactive circle dance. In the tradition of the Sufi's we shall immerse ourselves in the spirit of togetherness as we dance into the Oneness.

29. Creating Relationship with Your Inner Child

Consider that our personal holy triad consists of Higher Self, Adult Self, and the Inner Child Self. This Inner Child Self carries the original design template and communicates via physical sensation and emotion, both of which we are taught to ignore via distraction, medication, entertainment, etc. The unexpressed wounds of life are stored in cell and tissue of the physical. The wounds are the moments of living of the child. Creating relationship with the Inner Child allows the communication to expand as the unexpressed energetic debris is cleared and released. Finding balance is what this workshop is about

30. Finding Your Inner Rhythm

You and I are a vibrational being, rhythmic by design. When we hold too much, store too much, ignore too much, the flow is interrupted, resulting in a loss of rhythm. When the rhythm goes the organism sputters and is easily misguided and misdirected. Finding one's own inner rhythm again is what this experience is about. Involves sound, music, voice, and action.

31. Sound for Stress Reduction

A build up of unexpressed energy within will create stress for the organism. Uncleared the stress becomes pressure which forces expansion against restriction...not a healthy state or condition. Because sound is vibrational, it can be used to assist in the release of the energetics that contain the stress. Playful, vocal, musical, and filled with activity.

32. Surrender and Let Go

Life is best when it is flowing. Resistance creates stress which causes interruption in that flow. When we surrender we stop trying to force the river and we allow. In the allowance we find the flow again. In this state we can access the subtleties of our original design and experience life in a fluid, enjoyable way. No thing is worth holding on to. Let's remember how to let go in this class of thought, word, sharing, and action.

33. Chakra 201: Root Chakra:Solid on the Earth

Get back into your body and reconnect to the solid Earth if you want to Thrive. The root chakra is a connection to the Earth. It is also where we address basic needs. If you are teetering, losing foundation or feel like a cut flower in a vase, beautiful but doomed, then  this experience is for you. Re-establish your personal solidarity so that you can open up to the Celestial guidance and downloads.

34. Chant, Mantra, and Intentional Song

The human voice in melody and rhythm has long been a tool of reclaiming calm focus. Chant and mantra have ancient ethnic and indigenous roots. These soundings and songs are purposeful in intent. Singing or reciting them over and over results in a change of brain wave, consciousness, and receptivity. You become balanced in the moment. Intentional song is the creation of affirmative songs applied to ancient practices of repetition and duration. This is a singing and movement class. Bring water.

35. Clearing the Past

The past does not determine the present or the future unless we choose it. Too many have been taught to cling to the past, energy and event. Doing so calls forth the energy and the players to insure repeating that past. Life is lived in the Now Moment. Choosing this jettisons the loyalty to the past and allows one to use the learnings in the current circumstance. Learn how to create separation from what was and what ain't no live in the now where anything is possible.

36. Creating Effective and Powerful Affirmations and Proclamations

Affirmations are positive intentional spoken statements. Proclamations are declarations that a state is so...right now. The spoken word commands manifestation into form by Universal Law. Knowing how to formulate a statement to insure results is quite the skill. Come and learn how to do that.

37. At Play in the Fields of Now

Play and childhood are synonymous. We used to play with an open and active imagination and in wild abandon. But the years and the process of socialization and "fitting in" have tempered our spontaneity and relegated our play to sophisticated games that ring of competition and manipulation and a reward at the end. Where is the joy? It is not gone, for it is what we are made of. We are programmed for an ecstatic dance with the world. It is in our cells and can be recovered...if the will says "yes" and the feet move forward.

This workshop is to rediscover the spontaneity and abandon of those years of youth. Quite simply, we will play...alone, in pairs,  in small groups, and as a whole community. Opportunities will be offered to process what comes up as a result of the frivolity. The intent is to carry the renewed awareness back into our lives to create a more playful world.

38. Chakras 301: Celestial Update: The Expanded Chakra System

The traditional seven in-body chakras have been powerful tools for regulating the conscious one’s health, balance, and energy for thousands of years. The rising vibrations of these times are revealing higher frequency information that is expanding our relationship with our energetic selves in significant ways.

Guidance and evidence is now showing that there are more in body chakras, external body chakras, backsides of each chakra that have very different energy and purpose than their front side counterparts, and an intriguing set of external spiritual points that interface with the vertebrae.
We shall learn about and begin to experience these new openings as we are exposed to this remarkable and powerful expanded system.

Through sound, song, movement, and information we shall open up to inner states that were just not available before. We shall activate the integration of the celestial chakra system.

39. Living As If Already Whole

For much too long, we have lived as if we were flawed, a compromised design…stumbling through each incarnation, yearning for more, reaching for something we really could not fully envision. And how has this served you, personally?
The Celestial influx of high frequency energy has launched the reawakening as, moment by moment, we are remembering who we are. And still we think it must be step by step…until now!
Suppose you could just claim the complete reawakening in this breath. What would that be like? How would it feel? What could you do? How might your life be?
Well…let’s try it on for size. Experience living as if you were already whole and make your own observations.

40.  Introduction to the Body as Energy

The physical human body is so much more than flesh and bone. It is a vibrating organism in a state of constant oscillation, movement, and restructuring. The energy body and anatomy is what gives the physical life and the capacity to sustain that life. Ignoring that in lieu of the physical only, is a recipe for a download spiral towards death of the physical. Let's start to explore the energy anatomy and expand our understanding our our incarnational vehicle.

41. Chakra 201: Heart Centered Living   3 Hours

Learning about and applying specific techniques to stay in the frequency of Love with an open heart, is the focus of this experience. The new energies are moving the Root to the Heart to become the new center of our being. Constantly living in the Love frequency though the heart allows us to engage life with trust, faith, and safety. This class really looks at what the heart chakra can do...and this is information that will align you to your own life flow in ways you have not experienced before, in consciousness. Let's see what it is about together...

42. Chakra 201: Learning to Finally Speak Your Truth: Clearing the Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the chimney for the Soul, in that it provides the vehicle for the consistent and clear expression of the moments of living in the human physical. Having the voice shut down by circumstance and authorities can have a significant impact of the health and the vitality of the physical vehicle. Come to learn how to insure the release of communication  no matter what is going on around you. This is critical stuff...

43. Chakra 201: Manifesting Desires Through Clear Seeing: Learning about and Clearing the Third Eye Chakra

Your next moments are the result of a complex process that involves your Cosmic connection, your personal history and the accompanying baggage, the quality of your vision, the capacity to speak, the alignment with the heart, and the willingness to let go. Wow...come and see how the visioning process though an open pituitary gland and third eye works to bless your life.

44. Chakra 201: Accessing and Receiving Guidance: Exploring the Crown Chakra

The Crown and the Root Chakras are the only fully active chakras at the point of incarnation. We are a spiritual being living in a physical body. We are connected to Earth and Heaven from the beginning. And we do forget, especially when the circumstances/people we incarnate into are unaware or of lower frequency. Let's polish up the lens of the crown and activate the Celestial connections that have been waiting so patiently for you to learn how to stay in body. I want to take you higher, and the same time. Can you say expansive?
Copyright 2021-23. Mark Stanton Welch. All Rights Reserved. Unless otherwise noted.