2023-24 Holiday Specials 4: Sound Alchemy Bundles

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Musical SantaWorking with sound and vibration to influence the balance is one of the most current and leading edge forms of “medicine". As all is in vibration, everything influences everything. The study of sound as a healing modality is simply taking off. A growing number of resources are showing themselves to one willing to cross that threshold into learning and application. The first step is to develop personal sensitivity to sound and how vibration impacts you physically, emotionally, and vibrationally. As that sensitivity grows you can then apply specific tools to support your intention. I have been studying sound for quite some time. Frequency healing principles go into every one of my creations. This collection represents a solid foundation in getting into sound work. Every CD and song will serve to raise your vibration. Then you can start following your own guidance and begin creating your own version of your work.

Sound Alchemy is the process of intentionally influencing the vibration and frequency of sound for the purpose of raising vibration to a state of resonance, harmony, and balance. Alchemy precipitates change. It intends to assist in the clearing of residual toxic, low vibration debris within the physical and  energetic bodies to clarify and balance the personal vibration. The alchemical process involves intention, pitched sound, voice, toning, chant, mantra, rhythm, and sound tools (such as quartz bowls, Tibetan bowls, rattles, bells, gongs, drums,tuning forks, and more).

To support your interest in Sound Alchemy I have assembled three holiday specially priced bundles of increasing value for you to consider. Click the link of each below to explore the package contents. Then make your investment decision. All download links will be delivered on the email receipt for that vibrational investment.

Sound Alchemy Bundle One

Chants, Mantras, and Intentional Songs

Red Mandala

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Chants and mantras have been used for thousands of years to influence the vibration of the current moment, to clear the mind of patterns of thinking, to set a spiritual intention in motion, and to beseech support from a particular deity. Intentional songs have been a recent creation born from the necessity to create short, life affirming positive songs to be sung by groups at Sunday services and retreats and events. Here is a powerful bundle of 6 CDs to allow you to experience the frequency of each genre.

Consisting of 2 Chant CDs, 2 Mantra CDs, and 2 Intentional Song CDs

Available as downloads or shipped CDs

Follow the link to the right to explore the bundle

Explore the
Sound Alchemy
Bundle One

Sound Alchemy Bundle Two

Super Chakra Clearing Set

Yellow Solar Plexus Symbol

The human body is a vibrating energy form composed of oscillating cells, energy meridians, energy bodies, and chakra centers. Understanding the anatomy allows you to expand your awareness and understanding of physical, emotional, and mental dis-ease (energetic blockage). This opens up all kinds of possibilities in the realm of healing one's issues on multiple levels. This specially priced Holiday Bundle is perfect to not only start to develop your awareness and understanding of in-body chakras, but also to get you facilitating and experiencing chakra care.

Consisting of 4 Chakra Clearing CDs, 2 Chakra Maintenance Instrumental CDs, 9 hours of Recorded Chakra Clearing Sessions, and two Sound Alchemy Chakra How-to Articles

Available as downloads  (shipped versions by request only)

Follow the link to the left to explore the bundle

Explore the
Sound Alchemy
Bundle Two

Sound Alchemy Bundle Three

Sound Alchemy Foundation Super Bundle

Black and Gold Sri Yantra

Sound Alchemy is the process of intentionally influencing the vibration and frequency of sound for the purpose of raising vibration to a state of resonance, harmony, and balance. Alchemy precipitates change. It intends to assist in the clearing of residual toxic, low vibration debris within the physical and  energetic bodies to clarify and balance the personal vibration. The alchemical process involves intention, pitched sound, voice, toning, chant, mantra, rhythm, and sound tools (such as quartz bowls, Tibetan bowls, rattles, bells, gongs, drums,tuning forks, and more). This specially priced bundle will provide a solid foundation in the tools of Sound Alchemy.

Consisting of 11 Sound Alchemy CDs, 9+ hours of Recorded Chakra Alignment Sessions, and 9+ hours of Recorded Backside and
External Chakra Sessions.

Available as downloads  (shipped versions by request only)

Follow the link to the right to explore the bundle

Explore the
Sound Alchemy
Bundle Three

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Active and Available through March 31, 2024