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Quarterly Community Chakra Clearing

Our energetic system design is a magnificent scientific work of spiritual art unparalleled within the Cosmos. It is designed to work impeccably with the physical body to provide constant interfacing with the Earth and the Heavens. It does more to regulate and determine our health than any other element within the body expanded. If we tend to it then we can jettison many of the conditions and illnesses we think are a part of the human condition. Curious? Then it would behoove you to begin to pay attention, learn about, communicate with, and engage the chakras and all their connective energy channels. The chakras can be cleared and cleansed as a system or as individuals. Get to know yourself and your greater design and start to experience a level of alive that may be unfamiliar to you up until now.

We will gather once every 4 months for a 2-3 hour evening of clearing the main chakras and the expanded system. Through the use of sound, voice, chant, song, mantra, spoken word, guided journey, sound tools, movement, color, and aroma we shall experience many ways to find our personal balance point
. Refer to the information below to access event details. Wear comfortable clothing, bring water, andbe ready to get clear, really clear...

Some of the clearings will be recorded live and made available in the player towards the bottom of the page. Give a listen. Tell others about it as well. The bigger the crowd the more powerful and opening the dance. Join us and become an active presence in the fast growing Sound Alchemy Community

For a schedule and details of all Sound Alchemy Events follow this link to Sound Alchemy Events.
Next Community Chakra Clearing Gathering
on Wednesday, March    , 2023 at
7 PM
Location: TBA
Contact Mark: 805.927.2416 office
805.660.5989 cell and text
An Evolving List of Reflections, Testimonies, and Notes on Community Chakra Clearing Gatherings

please send testimonies and reflections to Mark at
Community Chakra Clearing Gathering Date

Gathering 1:

Gathering 2:

Gathering 3:

Gathering 4:

Gathering 5:

Gathering 6:

Gathering 7:

Gathering 8:

Gathering 9:

Gathering 10:
We come together to blend and amplify our personal vibration into a higher frequency of health, balance, and connectedness through the magnificent medium of human voices in song.

Session Audio

Selected Recordings from the Quarterly Chakra Clearings available in the player below
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    A Little Bit About Chakras...

    Chakras are revolving energetic portals between the physical and the energetic, between body, mind, and soul. They are multidimensional, spinning wheels of light, frequency based, ever oscillating, changing and adjusting, and serve to process higher vibrational energy to ease assimilation into the physical. They are rotating cones that are on the front and back. There are typically seven in body chakras with five external ones in the energetic bodies. Additionally there are 20 spiritual energy centers that are in the spiritual body but interface with the physical via the individual vertebrae.

    There are major chakras which manage the most critical functions and issues, and minor chakras which regulate less fundamental needs. The in body chakras are like conical funnels that align with the spine,  a point which also serves as the transformational membrane between front and back sides of each chakra.

    Each in-body chakra has a front side (which regulates everyday behavior and relationship with 3D world) and a back side (which responds to our own unconscious programs and manages our relationship with the multi-dimensional), a left side (feminine involves receptivity, relationship, attraction, intuition, and femininity programs) and a right side (masculine which encompasses rationality, success, dominion, action, and male gender issues), and an inner and an outer wheel (inner reflects programming from Divine Source and our own spirit to enable our spiritual gifts to actualize, while the outer helps us adapt to outer reality by holding our hurts, sounds, personal  and soul issues. Ideally they rotate clockwise in unison.

    And there is so much more...come and experience these clearings and rediscover a beautiful part of you that has always been a faithful servant of your incarnate body/mind/spirit.
    Explore the Recording of Chakra Clearing
    click CD to access samples and to order as CD or download MP3

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