New Informational Paradigms Can Spark
the Activation and Reclamation of You

In these swiftly moving and changing times new learnings are necessary to stay in balance. The ways of old in the Piscean model are giving way to new Heart Centered ideas, concepts, and paradigms entering with the new Aquarian epoch.  Are you feeling the call? Your inner Being knows it is time to expand. But how? There is simply so much information available. In the distant past seekers turned to Mystery Schools to study and reawaken. But now we have teleconference calls and online courses that allow you to learn in the comfort of your own home.

You and I are designed for receiving information in a host of ways. Our senses deliver energetics and frequencies that are integrated and interpreted by the three brains: the Brain, the Heart, and The Plexus. Each uses the frequencies differently and for different purposes. Pure Celestial information arrives at the back side of the Solar Plexus chakra. From there it is delivered to the brains. From the plexus it moves through the heart to be infused with the Higher Frequencies of Love. In this vibration it moves to the center of the brain, specifically the Pituitary Gland Chamber where it receives further information about application and possibility, entering via the Crown Chakra and the back side of the Third Eye Chakra. The blending of all of these centers integrates the information and activates inner remembering and personal application. The information can then be applied via intention and action that simultaneously projects out the Throat Chakra via the spoken word call to action/form and the Third Eye Potential Projection that magnetizes the forms that align with the spoken. This action sends intentional instructions down to the lower chakras where the actual movement is initiated, where the emotion is seeded into the vision, and where the foundational power frequencies of the Earth, herself, are called for sustained support.

Interesting, huh?

There is growing evidence that it is the information at higher frequencies that is precipitating massive change. As you can see we are wired for information. This is not a mind thing, but, rather, a whole body organic process that feeds itself and responds to itself. Your design, physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, knows what to do. Mostly, we just have to get out of the way, pay attention, allow, activate, and adjust. This is a supremely trusting action in itself, something that most are not yet willing to allow. But these Aquarian Epoch times of sweeping change and exponential raising vibration in you and me and all of life is reseeding our latent capacity to trust life. Imagine that! Yes, imagine that!! For it is in the child like frequencies of imagination and wonder that we shall be able to reclaim the fantastic, the expansive, the Celestial, the Holy, and apply it to our flowing moments of living.

It is from this place that I write and create courses, classes, workshops, and even the music. I see you as already whole, in touch with your ongoing true design. This faith on my part can witness you into action. The intention is woven into the information and the words and sounds themselves. They trigger you on a cellular and even moleculaur/atomic level to activate and release the interpretations unique to you and your personal frequency intentions/design/mission. You have all you need to thrive in ways that are currently almost impossible to imagine.

This is a ride that you are ready for. Open up to the acceptance of the invitation, no matter what the form. Visit the Courses, Classes, and Workshops. Explore the Sound Alchemy section to access the new vibrational tools you already have in your energetic design. Listen to and participate in the music now that you have read this, knowing that something magnificent is in process...and you do not even need to understand it. Simply receive, listen, witness, activate, flow, enjoy, and thrive. Yes, these are the times of Great Wonder and Release.

Are you Ready? Are you willing? Then, let's do this!

Mark Stanton Welch
January 1, 2022

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